

“No….” Joyce stuttered as she tried to convince Arianna she wasn’t trying to escape.

“You’ve got only two minutes before I hand you over to the guards for the treatment you deserve! You traitor” Arianna screamed, she had expected Brianna and Brian upstairs already, “weren’t they hearing her scream!?”.

Joyce pleaded Arianna didn’t hand her over to the guards as that would be real torture “I’ve told the truth and I’m still telling the truth Your Highness, please have mercy on me” the maid cried out.

“I’ve always known you had bad intentions, your looks say it all, that justifies why I never liked you from the onset” Arianna spat.

Joyce wailed throwing herself on the floor.

“All this does not affect me! That I can tell you” Arianna said hitting her chest.

“I wasn’t sent by no one nor am I on a mission” Joyce stammered.

“I’m certain you have a fiendish plot, I sense the evil in your mind,” Arianna said as she shone her eyes.

“This is all a misunderstanding” Joyce yelled.

“Now you
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