

Emma pov

I opened my eyes gently, it was morning already the reflection of the sun shone dimly into my room, I stood up from the bed and opened the curtain.

A smile displayed around my lips as I stared at the bright day, the sun just started rising giving it a perfect beauty.

After the tantrum I threw yesterday I became calm after the man who helped me get Dwane's attention promised me he was going to help me achieve my dream though we haven't been able to hatch a good plan I had trust and confidence in him since he had never failed me even when I didn't know him he still helped me.

Though I'm still bothered by the fact that he was helping me, I don't know why he was helping me neither did I know his hidden agenda, the funny part was that I didn't even know his name though I didn't ask him what his name was I have asked him why he was helping me numerous times but he didn't give me something reasonable as an answer.

I'm not the type to trust people very easily but I guess
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