
Ninety Six

Melina pov

It has been a week now and Dwane hasn't even thought of checking up on me, the pains of him banishing me out of the pack without making me explain myself or doing a thorough investigation of what happened that faithful evening hurt me a lot but I have been trying to live with the pains since no amount of tears I shed was going to take the pain away.

Staying in this place gives me a kind of relief I haven't felt before, I was starting to fall in love with the whole environment, the natural air, the cock sounds, and the freshly made food, it all seems so nice and good.

I still think about Dwane and everything that happened to me most times when I'm alone, but It was rarely since my maid whom I have too loved so much was always with me trying to cheer me up.

But today was different, I ordered her not to try to cheer me up since I wanted to be alone, today was me Dwane's anniversary and I doubt if he remembered that.

I sat comfortably at the table placed
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