
Hundred and Two

Melina's pov

“What in the world is happening to me? That moment I found myself in a strange place with strange people and this moment someone was screaming my name telling me to wake up and pressing my chest … by the time I stood up from where I was laying I realized I could see Anna who was laying before me

I can see it!!!.

Anna was still looking around to see if she could get someone to assist her in carrying me, not realizing I already stood up.

“Why am I drenched in water ?” I asked myself. That was when I realized that I had a dream to be in the water with strange people, and now I am beside the water. I think Anna rescued me out of the water.

Anna was galvanized when she saw me staring at her. She immediately ran towards me.

“ Are you in your right senses, Merlina ?” she asked angrily, looking at me like she should land a slap on my face

“ So you think the only solution to your problem is committing suicide, and you think that can solve the problem between you and Dw
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