
His approval? No?

Zafer’s POV

“Mom, Dad, what is all about?” I now stood in front of my parent for 20 minutes at that, but they did not even say nor a single sigh! “Mom!”

“Don’t shout at your mom you little shit!” He glares at me, “So, you told us that you got a great time with the daughter of Layton from Lotus Pack. But why there are rumors about you fooling around with someone?!”

So, they already knew… What do I expect from him after all?

“What is wrong with it? I said I had a great day with her, but it doesn’t mean I am going to marry her.” I said and sat down.

“So, you lied to us! Why not tell me the truth from the beginning so I accept the offer from Saturn pack?” He gritted his teeth.

I can help but sigh, “Why not give up, Father? All those women just want our pack to raise their position on the line, there is no love involved.”

“What do you know about love?! You only want is play too, so why not use it properly!” He shook his head as if disappointed with the way I’m living.

“Father, I know what
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