
Chapter 4 Mr Knowles Part 2

(Mr Knowles Part 2)

Grayson was in the middle of a conversation about how sour his year had been with his best friend when he spotted the beautiful curly haired woman sitting alone and drinking gin, she was obviously distressed considering how she was drinking the worst kind of beverage with her shin rested on her arm, still he couldn't help but admire her beauty.

The music from the club was loud and the party blue lights were on but that didn't take away the fact that she was the prettiest woman in the room tonight, so he sipped on his drink and kept on gawking like a hawk until Connor realized his best friend wasn't paying attention anymore.

‘Hello there Mr Grayson Hunter...are you in the land of reality??'. He said wavering a hand over his face.

Grayson frowned, ‘I'm fine it's just—'

‘Damn I'll be pretty lost too', Connor laughed and nipped on his bottom lip the moment he saw who his friend was staring at, ‘You should go talk to her'.


‘What do you mean no??'

‘I barely know her'

‘That's what a club is for dummy. To get to know people and have fun'.

‘Well she's drinking gin and when a woman is drinking gin, it means she isn't in the mood for—'

‘‘Come on don't be a wuss and go talk to the pretty lady. You're single now so be single...Jesus Christ Charisse really got your balls tied'. Connor teased and Grayson grunted under his breath rising to his feet, the pretty lady seated a few feet across certainly didn't look like she wanted to be bothered but he didn't have a choice—it was either have a conversation with her or be taunted by his best friend for the rest of his life....he picked having a conversation with her.

Kathleen reluctantly accepted his handshake even though there were butterflies churning her belly, for some reason her cheeks were rising with color just looking at this man. He was tall, had broad shoulders, beautiful curly brown hair and hazel eyes....then she also noticed the funny looking little mole at the side of his neck which she found charming.

He was also rich from what she noticed, although he did his best to hide that fact but being born into a life of hardship she knew luxury when she saw one—his original polo shirt, the nicely fitted Burberry pants and to crown it all up, a Richard Swanson was quiet luxury at best. In her normal state she knew she was definitely not his class but she was a tad bit drunk so she accepted his request to stay next to her and buy her more drinks.

‘So why's a pretty woman like you over here drinking and not on the dancefloor'. Mathew Knowles, or Grayson per say as Mathew Knowles was his alias and alter ego for when he didn't want someone to know who he really was.

Kathleen rolled her eyes, ‘I think I've heard this line before but yeah—i pretty much had a bad day so here I am, wallowing in self pity and alcohol'.

She was charming, he liked that and couldn't believe how he was smiling at her snarky comment, ‘Well if you're going to get drunk tonight then you might as well use a much better kind of alcohol', he turned to the bartender, ‘Hosé give her the special.... she'll love it'.

‘So you do come here often then Mr Knowles'. Kathleen raised her brows.

He shrugged, ‘Yeah after a pretty bummed week, unwinding with my best friend over there', pointing at Connor who was dancing, ’ the best way I can spend my free time'.

‘Ohh you're lucky to have free time alright. I lost my job today just cause I wouldn't have a threesome with my boss and his obviously bisexual wife'. She responded and Grayson couldn't believe himself..laughing at a tale which was placating to the ears.

‘I'm sorry if I offen—'

‘Ohhh you're not I promise', she took a sip of the concoction made by the bartender and loved it immediately, ‘Being fired was the least of my problems you know I actually found out my boyfriend of a couple of months is actually married???'.

He crossed his arms as he was now fully invested in what she had to say, ‘Tell me about it....'


Two hours later and Grayson was already engrossed deeply in a conversation with this woman he just met, she was half drunk and he was too considering the amount of shots they both shared, but he liked her....he really liked her and for a moment he found himself falling in love with her which was stupid for a grown man like him.

In the span of two hours he knew all there was to know about her troubles, how she was in a relationship with a married man without knowing, ruined a pair of her red bottoms and to crown it all up she was jobless—a part of him wanted to give her a job opportunity at his office considering how he was looking for a personal assistant but that would be a breach of his most important rule.....Never mix business with pleasure.

Kathleen on the other hand felt so much better pouring out her frustrations to a mere stranger, Mathew Knowles was understanding, charming and as a bonus point he was a great listener. She really hated being in the club right now as she would've loved to know more about him but he was cleverly evading all her questions, the only thing she knew was that he owned a small tech firm which she knew was a white lie—he might own a small tech company but he was definitely born into a family of generational wealth.

So she cleared her throat, already drowsy with a throbbing headache when Grayson suggested they go somewhere else to spend the rest of the evening, ‘You're not going to kidnap me are you??'.

He guffawed and turned on his flirtatious switch, ‘Does taking you to my hotel room count as kidnapping??'.

She gulped hard, whatever act he was trying to do was clearly working as she felt the heat rising up in her cheeks. Ignoring how she enjoyed his company she couldn't deny the dim feeling of want inside of her—after all, he was handsome and she was too boozed up to think about the consequence of the decision she was about to take.

‘If you don't want to go with me I can totally—'

‘No it's fine', she laughed and took a deep silent breath, ‘The loud music's killing me anyway'.

He smirked, ‘So shall we go now??'.

‘Yeah', she smiled back, ‘But first we need to get something to eat....if you're going to kidnap me then you should do it with a full stomach'.

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