
05 — My Reddy

I blink a few times, seeing how Jasper is casually holding the perfume bottle so close to my face. At that distance, I can even notice how the veins and nerves bulge in his hands, extending down his arm, until they disappear into the long sleeve of his shirt, that's raised up to his forearm.

My heart is beating so fast that I cannot understand exactly what would happen if the glass hit me — or realize that Jasper is slowly lowering his hand and examining my face, bringing his other hand up to my face, as if making sure that I'm really okay. He doesn't exactly touch me, just a lock of my red hair. Then he flashes me a calm, serene smile. Yet, somehow… I can tell that he's angry. It's a feeling, an omen feeling that assaults my chest and makes it tighten. Yes, I know he's angry… Infuriated.

This makes my throat suddenly dry.

Only then I notice that Lily was screaming. She runs toward me and holds me by the arms, saying desperately, “Oh, my God…! Letty, are you okay?”

I watch as she casts a warm look at Jasper, with her cheeks in a reddish hue, which I have a hard time telling if it's from the fright, or because of my savior.

“Thank you, Jasper, you… have amazing reflexes…” Lily says.

“Well, I'm good at sports…” Jasper interrupts his words when hears a sarcastic laugh, which draws his eyes — and mine as well.

“Apparently, you're not the only one who's good at something…” Alice says in a sarcastic pitch, tossing her blond hair over her shoulders. “Look at Scarlett, she's so good at seducing men, even the famous playboy is bewitched by her.”

I turn away from Jasper, who was still holding his arm protectively over me. Now I'm looking directly at Alice, with crossed arms and a firm posture.

“Is that all you have to say, Alice? Offend me with these empty words after trying to seriously hurt me?” My voice is steady, which surprises her, since I have always kept quiet, putting up with her bullying without ever fighting back.

“Hah, stop being dramatic!” Alice scorns with a giggle that brings out my anger, “You act all meek, but this is all an act! We can all see behind your nerd mask, Scarlett. I'm sure you're glad that this has worked so well with your plan to seduce Jasper. Because that's what you are, Scarlett... A slut!”

I keep my sharp gaze on Alice, “I didn't plan to seduce anyone.”

“And yet, it all worked out so well…” Alice hums, “Hah, Jasper… you're so innocent! She tried to seduce Bryan yesterday, you were just the consolation prize.”

My expression closes, not sure if I like Alice's tone or the things she's implying.

“That's none of your business, Alice.” Jasper says, and the way her name escaped so naturally from his lips makes me even more upset.

“You seem to be serious about it, but she's not your type.” Alice insists with a wicked, slightly annoyed smile. “Are you expanding the menu? Did you get sick of trying the same thing?”

“Like I said, that's none of your business.” Jasper repeats in the same tone, but I see that he's annoyed too, somehow.

My chest narrows, and I crunch my lips, noticing that, suddenly, Alice has forgotten about my presence and Lily's. This shouldn't cause me any conflicting feelings. Still, I feel my heart hammering painfully.

“Well, it doesn't matter, you'll get tired of that one pretty easily… we both know that… And when that happens, I'll welcome you quite warmly, whenever you want.” Alice smiles at Jasper, as if there's sunshine on her lips.

My stomach twists and squirms as I watch her turn her back with her friends and quickly disappear down the hallway. 

When I see Jasper's eyes on me, I take a deep breath.

I didn't realize the air was stuck in my longs.

“Are you okay?” Jasper asks me, even though, just now, he personally made sure that there's nothing wrong… except for this screaming discomfort in my chest, this sudden and annoying hurt in knowing that there's something between him and Alice… Something that's quite obvious, but, for some reason, I don't want to admit or even think that it might be true.

“Yes… Thank you for saving me.” I say with plain dismay, shifting my eyes to the floor, suddenly uncomfortable for facing him so bluntly.

Jasper smiles brightly and makes me melt, even though my whole mind is trying to keep us apart. But just like last night, I'm completely unable to follow through with reason, and I feel my conviction to hate him — or at least, try to hate him, — waver for a moment.

“Well… there's still a little time before the next class…” Jasper breaks my thoughts with his soft-low voice, looking at the clock on his wrist so intently that it makes me feel a little jealous of it.

What the heck am I thinking?

Then Jasper completes, passing his eyes from Lily quickly and landing them on me, “What do you say we get something to eat?”

“Yeah, sure-” Lyly starts…

“No.” I answer at the same time as Lily. My negative ends up coming out faster than a bullet, and probably had the impact of one because Jasper grimaces.

“Why not?” Lily crosses her arms, looking at me serious. “Scarlett, he saved you! How can you be so heartless? Come on, we need to buy him a meal to thank him.”

I crunched my lips, “I don't think paying for a meal is enough to thank him for saving me.”

“I'm fine with a meal as payment.” He's also quick, and his tone even seems amused… Which makes me squint my eyes until I close them again and sigh, defeated.

I guess a meal as a thank you won't be all bad…. “Ok, fine.”

“Great! I know an amazing restaurant here, just outside of campus… you'll love it!” Lily entwines her arm in mine and starts walking, pulling me along discreetly as she walks side by side with Jasper.

All the way to the restaurant, which really is incredibly close, I try not to notice how Lily seems simply more talkative next to Jasper, and how that slightly bothers me, just like a small stone inside my shoe. The problem is that this stone seems much bigger, and it's not poking my feet, but my damn chest.

“So, Jasper… Where did you study before moving to here?” Lily asks, and I sharpen my ears to listen for the answer that's soon to come:

“West College.” Jasper says with a smile, then lays his eyes on me. I find his smile rising a little more as he notices that I'm paying attention to his words.

I clear my throat and look away, pretending not to care about any of this. But… West College? Why did Jasper move into my class, on the other side of town, one day after our… casual night? I can’t stop thinking about it.

Finally, we stopped in front of the small, discreet red brick building, and quickly entered there.

“What do you guys want to eat?” Lily asks as we sit down at an inconspicuous round table next to a big window that allows the sunlight to come in and warm my skin slightly.

Lily is precisely next to me, while Jasper sits across from me. I look at the menu dismissively and order the first thing I see, not paying much attention to my surroundings, only hearing Jasper say with his overly soft tone, “I'll have the same as Scarlett…”

Lily gets up with a promise to go buy the food, leaving us alone in complete silence.

I strain to keep my eyes on the window, trying to ignore Jasper's presence with all my might… However, this effort is in vain because, in the next moment, his voice seems to hum in my ears — and a warmth runs through my skin, just like the night before, when I was naked in his arms.

“Why are you being so cold to me? I was hoping you would be as enthusiastic as you were last night, when you were on top of me… my Reddy.”

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