
Chapter 25.2

Chapter 25.2


I wasn’t sure but she climbed up on me, making me voluntarily support her body, having a firm grip on her left thigh that was almost on my waist. Natatakot ako na pagsisihan niya ito.

I was stunned and just fixated my eyes on hers, groping that vivid and right thing to do but I was totally blind and my mind was really clouded by so much lust and longing. I need her! I fucking want her.

I drew my face a little closer as I angled it, aiming for a kiss.

“Caine please,” she pleaded. Her soft hoarse voice brought more haziness to my already befuddled mind making me decide to claim her lips in a vigorous way.

I lifted her off the floor and helped her wrap her legs around my waist. Oh god, don’t tell me this is happening again…

But sure this wasn’t just a dream because I could feel the suppleness of her lips as I took them hungrily. I want to suck out her breath and literally suck out her soul. She belongs to me, there is no fucking way I will let any man touch her the way
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