

After one week

Author's p.o.v

Zayed is sitting in Erina's house's living room while tea and various types of snacks are served in front of him. He is looking very calm and his eyes are cold as usual.

Erina's parents are also sitting in front of him having worried expressions on their faces. Erina's father is literally trembling whenever he was looking at Zayed.

" I have come to take my daughters. I think it's enough now," Zayed said without any emotion in his voice.

Erina's mother said hesitating a little," It would be better for Erina if you let them stay here for some more days. She is very happy with Eriza and Zaisha."

Well, it's been one week since Erina was discharged from the hospital and her daughters are also with her. After meeting Eriza and Zaisha, Erina was so happy and overwhelmed that she wasn't letting anyone touch them.

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goodnovel comment avatar
goodnovel comment avatar
mansi chaudhary
author are you fine ???
goodnovel comment avatar
plzz update authorrr

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