
Chapter 61


“You certainly know how to clear a room,” I teased Ciara as I hugged her tightly. “But I have to admit, I’m impressed.”

“With what?” Ciara asked.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Wes leaning closer to Ella, whispering more about the merger and what was to take place. Despite the fact that I had to deal with humans in Moon Valley, seeing shifters mingling with humans didn’t seem to be as taboo as I would have thought.

“The way you handled yourself,” I said. “I think you did great.”

“Well, thanks,” Ciara said. “I just hope that the media buys into the distraction and that the whole kidnapping thing falls away as quickly as possible.”

“It will,” Ella said. “You’re doing the right thing coming forward. The world needs to see that you’re alive and well.”

“Did you want me to get the media to redact their previous statements about you?” Wes asked. “Because I can pull in a few favors and have the tables turned so fast on them.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Ciara said with a
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