
What did you just call me??


Those words hit me harder than anything else has ever done. Gasping, I sat up on the bed and covered my naked body with the dirty blanket.

“What the hell did you just call me?” I narrowed my eyes at Jayden, who was hurriedly putting on his clothes, looking like he didn't wish to spend more time than necessary in my room.

“A whore, Chrys. That's what you fucking are, and have always been. It was my mistake thinking you could be more!”

“How dare you call me that, Jayden? You know you are the only man I have ever slept with!” I was too devastated, hearing him call me a slut when I've done nothing to warrant that.

“Isn't that what you are? You willingly opened your legs for me when I asked for it. Tell me, Chrys, won't you do the same for your husband?”

I angrily rose from the bed at his words, and matched towards him, not mindful that I was naked. I was too infuriated to think about anything else besides that.

“What did you just call me?” I asked in a calm and collected voice,
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