
You are not married!

Belinda's POV

"So, Chase is the master of flirting around here?" I laugh.

"He was until you walked into his life with the little one. Now he is boring. When did the two of you got married? We were supposed to be each other's best men, and you skipped me. I will remember that when I get married someday. Don't get too happy, father. It won't happen soon. I am so enjoying my freedom, and I won't get caught like Chase," Nick says.

"Excuse me, are you saying I caught him? What does that mean? Are you telling me that I set a trap for him?" I ask. I can see Nick feeling uncomfortable, and Chase starts laughing.

"Um, I did not mean it like that. I just meant that he is married now. I don't know when you got married. I do not even know if you are married, but all I meant is that he got married. I did not suggest that you set a trap for him because if you did, you would have told him when you were pregnant. I know many women who want to do that to me, like Sarah Harper. She hangs around here
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