
Chapter 60

Renae's POV

I was almost sleeping off when a voice woke me up.

"Renae, Renae, are you there?"

My eyes widened as I realized who it was. It was Prince Regan. He must have figured it out after I mind-linked him earlier.

"... I know you can hear me… I am really sorry for not recognizing you…I just found out the truth today. You should have come to me. You should have told me…why did you keep to yourself? Did Jennifer has dirt on you? Did she threaten you not to talk? Are you there? Please talk to me…" he said and waited for my response. But when I did not talk, he continued.

"Where are you? I will find you and our baby. Are you safe? I heard a stranger rescued you from your father…." He continued on and on. Funnily, I felt a sense if comfort and relief and in no time, I fell asleep while he was still talking.


It was dawn and I was just waking up. I felt a tap on my leg and I jumped up from my sleep. I was surprised and alarmed to see the Princess.

She flicked on the oil lamp in my
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