
21. Xenia Phone Home


“What do you mean she has not eaten?” I narrow my eyes to the guard assigned to Xenia’s room. Three days have passed since I brought her here and I’m being told she has refused her food for a third day in a row. Does she mean to starve herself? How far would she go? I would force the food down her throat if I had to. As harsh as it sounded, I couldn’t allow her to hurt herself.

“She still will not eat. She is very stubborn.” This much I knew to be true. I waved him off signaling him to leave us. As hard as it’s been, I have decided to give her some space in hopes she would settle down, but it seems my attempts to weigh her down have been wasted. She is indeed a feisty one.

As expected, Father accepted Avalon’s request concerning Xenia. Although he was a little surprised to know we had a new human in our presence, he was pleased to learn about her specialty and agreed with me that the dual option of providing therapy or education sessions to Avalon while also being a “blood
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