
38. Case of the Ex


She was most definitely not okay. I saw it in her eyes and demeanor, the saddened look that washed over her face, the way her shoulders lurched forward in defeat.

Everything screamed at me to console her, to beg her to stay just for a bit longer. But once again, her safety is at risk.

Regardless if there are no more feelings involved, if Odette got word of a human being close to me in any way, she would surely kill her without blinking an eye. To say she despises humans would be putting it lightly and she’s always been a jealous and crazed woman. It’s hard to believe she once had my heart, but I suppose back then we had a lot more things in common.

Why is this happening? Why now? The bitch is back to ruin my life again. Was it not enough that she left me for another, my sworn enemy? Now she comes back to take away any semblance of happiness I have begun to experience. Something tells me the timing is no coincidence, but I will find out for sure in due time.

I just told myse
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