
39. A Not So Good Surprise


Initially, walking down the street on our way to Jez’s house has me feeling like old times. Me and Britt enjoying the nice weather, chatting about what’s going on in our lives, ready to pop up on our friend unannounced, because that’s just what we do. If you have to give your friends a heads-up that you’re coming, are you even really friends?

The current problems I’m dealing with soon remind me that it’s not like old times, though. Now the source of my man problems isn’t caused by a regular man like they used to be. Somehow, I’ve managed to crank up my troubles a notch… or 10. Getting involved with a vampire can do that to you apparently.

Speaking of vampires, I steal a glance over my shoulder. Much to my annoyance, Yuno and Hendrix are trailing not far behind looking like tall and broody, but handsome bodyguards. Once again it has me wondering, are all vampire men hot because so far I haven’t seen one that wasn’t, and I really can’t blame Brittania for being thrown off
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