

TJ became a good friendly replacement for Dwayne, who cut himself off from us a bit. Dwayne was a bit more supportive of Debby and didn't want to hurt her further by doing anything to TJ. I really understood that and TJ understood it too. But TJ was always available for funny messages and short calls and really enriched my life.

In a week Jayden was finally back. He would come on Wednesdays, he had told me, and we wanted to have a nice weekend, except for Friday, when we had our masked ball at school. I hadn't asked Jayden yet because he probably wouldn't want to go to a school event like this.

I waited for Jayden's evening call, looking forward to hearing his voice, but he was really slow. I looked out the window and saw Debby's car in front of Dwayne's house. I used to go to his place when I was bored, or he would come over and we would chill and chat about all sorts of things.

Finally. My cell phone rang and Jayden's name lit up.

"Heeeey, I'm waiting for your call!"

» Hey baby, sor
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