
Chapter 7

“What are your kids talking about, Diamond?” I maintained  a cold  stance, my lids arch and my hands in my pocket. 

“I—I am really sorry… Don’t mind what they just said. They were just…” I watch her rambles, her agitation all over  the place  as she turns to the kids, trying to act stern. “C’mon Hayden, Braden… you three get inside now!!!” She whisper-yelled. 

“but mummy don’t act like you aren’t in this too. We told you were going to find you a husband and we pulled it up. Shouldn’t you be happy?” One of the boys blurted out, all of them smiling cheekily. 

And that got me a bit baffled and off course Diamond shy her eyes away from me, embarrasment written all over her. 

But…Did Diamond sent her kids to the road to act stranded and bring a man home to her? Now that I think about it, I see they were approaching only guys and even get past women and came down to me.  

Can’t believe that’s how shameless she is now! Perhaps nemesis is catching up with her. 

“H-huh? Me? When did we agree on that?” She huffs finally, turning to her boys strictly. “ Look, you three better get inside now and this should repeat itself Again!” She barked, sternly making the kids scowl. 

“Kids can’t lie you know!” I decided to come in, not filtering my voice and I noticed the hairs in her neck stood up. 

And suddenly the kids, cheered back on. “Woah! Uncle Karl do you like our mommy?” They began asking in excitement. 

“Would you love to marry our mommy?” 

“You can come stay our house Karl!”

“Enough!!!” Diamond yelled, her veins popping out. “now you all go inside, this instant and I mean it!” 

“But mom…” 


 And the boys face fell in defeat, grumbling as they exit the living room. It was now me and Diamond in the room. I keep tearing her apart with my eyes not blinkly away from her, maybe waiting for her to say something but all she did was bow her head and fidgeting. She looks like she was being surrounded by thousands of cops, well considering what she did to me, she should be and I may had forgotten about the past, but I didn’t forgive her. Never! 

“Uh…” she muffled, finally looking up to face me. 

I could cast my icy gaze on her all day as it brings me satisfaction watching her consume  with guilt? But I decided to say something at least, “I see you now have kids. Do they belong to Lennox?” 

“Uh…I’m sorry for the stress my kids caused you. I didn’t… I mean… would you mind a cup of coffee? Tea…?” 

Definitely all didn’t end well for she and that fool. I knew from the very moment I walked in and saw that family photo. But I’m certain those kids should belong to Lennox, those Rare hazel eyes are duplicates from Lennox.  

I squint my eyes at her, stepping close to her but she gulped and frantically left me alone mouthing something like she was going to get the coffee. 

It took forever before she came back with a tray of coffee - it’s been only few years yet she already forgets I hate coffee. It riled me up but I only find myself scoffing when she serves it to me as I settled in one of the chair. 

“I hate coffee, Diamond.” I grunted with a scoff. 

Her mouth formed an ‘oh’, guilt crossed her face as she takes back the cup of coffee, dropping it on the stool. 

“I’m so… sorry, I…”

“Forgot.” I finished up. 

“I’ll go get you tea now…” she was about to leave when I spoke. 

“I can see you and Lennox aren’t together anymore?” I taunted, intentionally staring at the family photo frame. “I don’t want to believe that Lennox got rid of you despite all you sacrificed for him and did with him.” I wasn’t being empathetic or compassionate, I didn’t bother to sugarcoat the sarcasm. 

“I mean it’s not everyday you see wives submitting to their husbands even conniving with him to frame people up just to get what he wants. It’s quite absurd that he’d trash you into the streets with three kids despite his noble reputation?” I wriggled two fingers in air, emphasizing on the noble.

Diamond’s nose flared, her fist tightened around the glass cup, anger crossing her face, “You know nothing Kyle!” She grit her teeth, fumming hard.

Oh she’s now back to feisty now I gues. 

“Well, what’s there to know? What are you doing in Texas, single with three kids? You want to tell me the man on that photo is Lennox and he died? You must had done something awful to have Lennox trash you off like this. And your family don’t tell me they abandoned you after holding them to such high esteem, you were even  ready to kill for them if they just say the world. I didn’t expect the Favourite daughter of the caddel to end up like this.” I taunted, shaking my head in mock pity as my eyes rove round the house. 

By this time Diamond was panting in rage, “look Karl,” she barked, “I know you’re upset about everything that happened in past and yes you’ve a right to. And trust me I regret everything but you don’t know happened between me and Lennox. He didn’t dump me, I divorced him. He cheated on me with Agatha so I left.” 

“So, why are you telling me all these.” I shrug. 

“He doesn’t know about my kids and I’ve no intention of letting him know, or getting back to you. Lennox is dead to me now so please don’t talk about him to me anymore!” 

I scoffed. She drops the tray of coffee on table and turn back to me with a somber expression; something I once use to be attracted to but now it just makes me sick to the stomach. 

“Look Karl, I know you’re upset and you hate me now. I accept it but you know I never met for everything to happen. My marriage with Lennox was bound to happen because the caddels and Winthrop needed to merge their company together. It’s not my fault that I’ve to be caddel first child, and you… you… maybe if you’ve chosen to follow the family’s career, they wouldn’t arrange my marriage with your younger brother…” 

“So it was my  fault huh?!” I howled, startling Diamond as she sees me on my feet. She shrinked and receded back but her leg stumble on couch and she fell back on it. 

Undermining that, I still step forward and hovered over her, holding both the chair arms and bringing my fiery gaze close to hers. 

“K-Karl!” She stammered and swallowed a lump as we had over face so close.  her heart was thumping loudly. I could pull back down but something got me piercing my gaze into her especially as that unforgettable day came looming into my vision. 

I remember the last time I had her this close, the time I got to hate this woman. 

“Please Karl get off me, now.” Her voice sounded as sultry as that very day, I felt my core suddenly heating up. 

As I gaze her her, I want to hate her but her plump lips which is slightly parted are inviting at the same time. 

Well, I had been with different women but Diamond in particular, has always possess that  irresistible lips, especially when she’s this scared or vulnerable just like now, she becomes even sexy. 

I can’t believe I’m really staring at the very woman who once had my heart and broke it. 

I find my head tinting to the side, almost like I’m beyond control and Diamond heart is beating fast, each beat louder than the last

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