
Chapter 6: You’ve my mommy’s eyes.


Karl’s POV,

“What is it now, Donald?” I hissed into the car speaker which my phone is connected to while focusing on the road, battling to smuggle past the jam packed vehicles.

Everything seems to be driving me nuts today, why the hell is there so much road jam now? I know it’s the snowy season in Texas but it’s been a while since this frustrating stupid traffic.

After having a long daunting day at the company, All I need now is just to go get wild in some club tonight, chill out with bitches over some bottles of vodka and hard core sex. But it doesn’t seem like I’ll be getting any of that soon and now my P.A came blasting my phone, probably to whine about an issue at the company.

“Sir, I’m really sorry but it’s Mr Romeo. He’s insisting on a %50 discount, considering that his fashion corporation is still under recognition. He’s afraid to be at loss should the commercial Ad doesn’t not yield him enough revenue.” He rambled politely.

“Tell Mr Romeo that I’m running a modeling firm and not a charity. %10 off or nothing. If he so much think that the K.Y commercial Ads can’t get him recognition and revenue then he shouldn’t had bother coming to us.” I spat, gripping the stereo hard.

“But Sir,..”

“But nothing Donald. Relay my message to him and don’t ever call me for dumb issues like this.”

I hung up and focused on the road back, rage brewing within me. If there’s one thing I hate most in life, it's for anyone to doubt me or my company, placing me as a second choice. If I ever accepted that before, certainly not now.

A few minutes after making it out of the road jam, I came across a gigantic shopping mall and decided to drop by and get some food stuff. I strolled in and as usual, attracted lustrous stares from women which I ignored and thawed around snappily getting some supplies.

After paying the bills, I’m walking back to my car carrying the stuffed nylon bag when something grip my attention.

Three little boys were gallivanting around the road side walkway, and at a glance they looked like they were begging for arms as they stopped the three guys that walked past them in a row, trying to talk to them but they ignored, brushing past them.

But at the same time they look healthy, though I couldn’t see their faces well due to the dimly lit atmosphere. Their matching neat hoodies and neat hair cuts isn’t something you find on street kids.

However I was going to ignore it as well when a car’s light shone on one of their faces and I was awestruck. He was like a younger version of that woman that he cost me so much pain. That boy is exactly HER during childhood, okay aside the Hazel eyes. Her eyes used to be emerald green.

As if the kid caught me staring, I didn’t realize when he and his other identical brothers came approaching towards me. I only snapped out of my daze when they got close. Oddly, my first instinct was to disappear because what do they want?

“Hey Mister,” they all chorused, with their tiny voices at the same time as they got towards me, and I could clearly see the resemblance now. But hold up, if these kids belong to her, what could she be doing in Texas?

“Did you see our Mummy?” One of them suddenly pops out a silly question, making a poppy face like he’s about to cry. Wait…Is that what they’ve been asking all those guys?

Now I see why they really have to walk away.

“Your mom?” I arch my brow, looking down at them. On a normal day, I’ll be cracking up right now but now I can't even tell how I’m feeling, everything about them is just reminding me of her, reminding me of a past I had buried off.

Apparently, it turned out the kids lost their way home. They said they went to greet their classmate on the other quarter and couldn't find their way home blah blah blah and that’s how I fell into a dead end.

“Ok, so what are you going to do now?” I sighs, itching my temple.

“Can you please take us home? My mother must be looking for us now, please.”

I don’t know why the fact they only talk about mother got into me, what about their dad?

“Please? I know you are a good person!” Another one pleaded, hands jammed together as I was just staring at them in silence.

“A good person? How do you know about that huh?” I squat down chuckling, suddenly finding the kids amusing.

“Well, you are handsome…. and look, you've beautiful green eyes just like my mommy. She’s a good person so I know you are too. Right?” The third kid squealed as I crackled with a small laugh, ruffling his silky curly hair. I’m never really good with kids, maybe because I had never really mingled with them but these ones seem to be fun.

But my humor didn’t last long when I registered what the kid just said, her mother has just like my eyes? Okay okay that does it.

If I was going to abandon them before, because I’ve some better place to be now and I’m not a goody two shoes,then curiosity got over me now.

I want to meet this mother of theirs.

I asked them where they lived and thankfully one of them could provide the address, and street name and I take them into my car.

“So, what are your names? Age?” I asks after a while, driving to their destination.

“I’m Hayden.” The one who had asked me about their mom screeched cheekily and I chuckled.

“I’m Braden!” I think that’s the one who’s who provided me the house address and talked about her mom’s eyes.

“I’m Jayden.” The last one says quietly, the one who assumed me to be kind. “And we are 4 years old.”

Four years? I frowns. That quite doesn’t add up.

Aside from the fact that they look quite smarter than four, considering the time my brother married that bitch, they should have kids of 6-7 years at least.

Or wait, what if I’m the one over thinking things? What if their mother turns out to be someone else?

“So what about you, Mister, what's your name?” One of their tiny voices boom from the back seat, shooting into my thoughts. Hayden.

“I’m Karl, Karl Winthrop. How about you? What are your surname names?”

“We are the Smiths…”

“What? Smith?” I whisper out loud, take aback.

“How about your Dad?” I couldn’t help my curiosity and their response hit me like time bomb.

“He’s dead.”

Dead! Like, my brother is dead? No wait… my brother isn’t a smith to beginning.

For like 30 seconds the car was in dead silence. I’ve to get myself back when they start staring at me weirdly through the rare view.

“Dead…well, I’m sorry about that.” I give them a small smile and they thanked me before they came bombarding me with questions this time.

“So how about your mista, Are you married?” Hayden started.

“No, I’m not.”

“A girlfriend?” Braden.

I chuckle. “No”

“Are you searching?” Hayden asks and I raise my brows amused.

“Hayden!!” Jayden whispered, nudging him. Hmmm He seems to be the gentle one them, cause he didn’t talk much through the ride.

Then while both of them start arguing in whispers, Braden continues.

“Are you a single Dad?”

“Nope, I don’t kids dear.”

I wanted to ask if their mother is single but…

“How old are you, Uncle Karl?”


“Where do you live?”

“Do you…”

“Would you care for Chocolates?” I had to ask to cut him off and they all squealed like sirens, almost deafening me.


Gosh, how do people cope with kids? But at least, thankfully the chocolates shut them up. I stopped by some grocery shop and got them chocolates. They got too busy munching on them to ask more questions.

And finally, we arrived at their house through the address they gave me. Thankfully it was their compound, cause as soon as they got down, they were so belated and somehow my heart fluttered that I could put a smile on their faces.

The house is a modern average bungalow, with a garden at one side and a small car parked close to the house. I followed the kids as they led me into the house. They thanked me and zoomed off shouting, “mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”

As for me, I stayed back and let my head spun around taking in the beauty of the mini living room. My hands tucked in my pocket but then my eyes caught a photo frame that arrested my attention.

My brow furrowed as humanly possible, my blood ran cold as I set my eyes on her. The woman who’d brought me so much pains in the past few years. It seems to be a family photo of both she, those triplet boys but something was off. That man beside her wasn’t my brother.

I was still staring at it, red blurring my vision when I heard footsteps behind me. I took a moment before I turned around to meet her in person and my hutch was damn right.

Diamond was standing before me and her expression looked priceless. She looked like she just saw death himself, dread, shock and panic coating her face.

Off she should be.., After what she did to me.

“Diamond!” I spat. All my emotions drained as I gave her a cold stare.

“K-Karl?” I could feel her anxiousness as her voice quiver but suddenly, her boys screams came up immediately lightening the thick atmosphere.

“Wooooooooowww!!!” They shrill and hopped in between us, getting Diamond startled. Definitely she must been so carried away to realize they were still here.

“So, you two know each other? That makes it perfect then…” One of her boys says smiling and I arch my brow.

Diamond becomes even more frightened, “Braden you all go inside…”

“Uncle Karl…” Hayden went on speaking anyways. “meet our mommy and your new wife, and mummy, meet uncle Karl, your new husband and our new daddy!”

“What?” My eyelid arch in shock, looking to stare at Diamond who bit her lips awkwardly blinkey her eyes.

“Oh god!” She huffs, her cheeks flushed immediately looking embarrassed and I was just staring coldly at her.

What the hell is going here?

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