
Chapter 5: Mommy! We got you a husband!

I sit on the bed, clutching a framed photograph of a docile looking man. He’s on a white sparkling white coat radiating with a smile. it took a tear to dab on the surface of the frame, for me to realize I had been crying. I’m crying profusely.

It's been a year now ever since Aaron passed away, but the pain still feels as raw as the day I lost him. 

I could never bring myself to forget him. To forget all he had sacrificed for me and the kids.

After that incident with him fainting while urging the children to school, I rushed him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Because it was already in the late stages, there was nothing we could do to save him.

And just like that, he passed away the following few months.

He was a devoted father to the triplets and a very supportive and caring friend even to his last breath, as all he had was willed to the triplets, just to make sure they were comfortable even after his passing. His absence has left a void in my heart and things haven't been the same since his departure.

I don't think it could ever be the same. Apart from my kids, he was the only one who had ever shown me what it was like to have a family.

And being a single mother for the past few years hasn’t really been easy. I’ve to work tirelessly at the hospital while dealing with my three little tyrants. Even Rebecca, a new friend of mine has advised me to get re-married but I just don’t see myself getting committed with another man.

I’m happy and fine with my kids. I love my simple life and...

“"Mommy! Mommy! We got you a husband!"

Tiny voices suddenly bombs from no where making me startle and the photo slip off my hand.

The door burst open and My eyes flew towards it to meet my three boys bursting into the room ——- their room——- looking exuberantly happy like they just won a lottery.

And it suddenly occurrs to me the reason I came here in the first place.

Hours ago, I came back from work and went straight to the boys room to check on them but I was welcomed with an empty room.

They were no where to be found. I searched everywhere and it was during the process that I came across Aaron’s photograph.

“My goodness... where the hell have you been?” I shrieks sternly immediately wiping my tears as they scurries towards me.

“Mom...” their faces suddenly fell as if noticing my sullen disposal. “Were you crying?” Braden is quick to ask with a puppy face.

“Off course not, honey I wasn’t.” I quickly shakes my head, caressing his rubust Cheeks. They are now four years old and they’re lot more matured than they were last year. Smarter, more handsome and....mooooore stubborn.

“Now tell me where the hell you all went?” I quickly change the topic, the least I want is for my babies to worry about me. I already promised them, I’ll stop crying and get past Aaron’s death.

They also felt so bad too and I’m suppose to be strong for them.

As I asked where they went, their countenance suddenly change back to excitement. They pull up a mischievous smile as they exchange looks between themselves.

And then, What they said earlier came back to me.

Wait... Don’t tell me they’ve been up to that silly scheme again?

“Hold on... You guys didn’t go hunting for a man from God knows where, even when I asked you not to did you? Jayden!” I put up a stern look, calling out the eldest one.

“We are sorry mom but we really want you to be happy again. You’ve Been so sad every since Daddy died. This is the only way we can help you come out of your shell.” Jayden explains with his cute voice and I couldn’t help but smile. My heart flutters at his words as I ruffles his hair.

“So you think getting me a new husband would make mommy get over your dad’s death?” I crunched my face in amusement.

The day my kids suddenly pops up this crazy idea to find me a husband, I almost hurt my ribs from laughter. And when I asked how they intend to do that? I was blown away with the ‘trick’ their little brain could pop out.

Yes, they intended putting up a scenario on the street where they act like they’re stranded and lost their way home. And boom... Any man that’s kind enough to lead them home, automatically becomes my perfect match.

I played it off as a silly joke until one evening I came back from the hospital to meet a man in the house. Just three days ago. Thankfully that one was married and it’s the same case with yesterday... not like we would have really become a thing though. Haha.

"Okay but the ones you brought earlier before didn’t work, what makes you think this one would work?” I decides to play along, teasing them.

"Well, this one would work because he isn’t married.” Braden interceded rolling his eyes.

“He isn’t married? How did you know that?” I feign a frown.

I won’t be surprise if they went about asking him about his marital status or even his biography. I know what they can do.

"Well, we asked if he’s married and he said no. He’s single mom. And he’s really really cute, you’ll like him. He’s nice too. He didn’t just brought us back home, he bought us chocolates.” Hayden squeals and I rolls my eyes.

“Mum he’s in the living room, let’s not keep him waiting!!!”

“Alright. Alright. Let’s go see him. But promise me this last time you are pulling this shit up. Next time I’m really going to spank you three.”

“Alright. We promise.” They all chorus in a singsong voice and hops for the door.

I sigh and followed them.

At least, I should go meet this stranger to thank him for bringing them back home and if fate allows it, we could even become friends so they would really stop leaving home by evenings. I can’t afford for anything to happen to them. They are all I’ve got.

Shortly after, As we enter the living room, I am welcomed with the back view of a man standing in the middle of the room, his hand in his pocket and his eyes fixated on the family picture frame.

As I observe his broad shoulders, his confident stance, and the familiar coffee brown -curly hair that runs in their family gene, My heart skips a beat, and my throat drys up in anticipation and dread.

Could it be...?

Just as the man turns around, my heart races at the sight of his overly familiar, handsome face.

His chiselled jawline, high cheekbones, and piercing eyes arrest my attention, transporting me back to a time when we were once close...

I never imagined I would see him ever again, not after what had happened back then, and certainly not like this. Presented to me by my kids.

Our eyes lock, and I feel my breath catch in my throat as his cold and uninviting eyes lock into mine. Gone were the care and warmth those eyes use to hold each time he states at me.

All I can see, I look at him is hatred and disdain.

And off course I deserves it.

But it makes my heart sting somehow.

But wait... Why is he really here?

Did he recognise the familiar tradition of the triplets? Was that why he brought them home?

“Wow... Diamond.” He still has that deep masculine voice, but there’s no ounce of that sweetness he once use to call my name.


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