
Damn it, I just can't say it

Amanda could no longer hold herself.

She wanted to know everything.

"Tell me everything!

That was more like a command to him, but he was feeling glad to give her the information she seeks.

That has been a mystery to her for so long.

He was the one that asked her to leave, and he is still the one that found out what the secret is.

Even though it is too heavy for him, he knows that he is going to have to say it.

He has beaten himself up for too long, now it was time, to let it all out, for his sanity.

"It is really heavy for me to say this, but I cannot keep it from you.

The moment I discovered what had happened to you, I started looking for a way to meet you and tell you everything".

He was beating around the bush and to Amanda, she felt like yelling at him.

Her facial expressions was enough to tell him that she doesn't need too much spice to the story, as she just needs him to hit the nail on the head.

Dave seem not to get her message for he was still hesitating.

She started thinking
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