
I want more

There are things that one would hear, and she would feel it is normal, but just hearing that she was raped by the famous one eyed man, someone whom the entire federation was cursing as they speak, someone whom no one wants to know.

She touched her stomach, roving every connection of her child with a criminal.

She remembered what she was told that blood is usually thicker than water, and she feared, that her child might end up suffering for the sin of a man, she doesn't even know.

She too didn't get to know him, and she is grateful for it, she would have appreciated it the more, if she had been given the chance, to forget that she actually did meet him.

Somehow she wish she could loose her memory and forget him, not like they had anything l, but just the imagination of his hands on her, made her feel all worse.

"God please, whatever curse is following this Steven of a guy, may it not have anything to do with her". She prayed silently, as her tears profusely poured down like rain drops.
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