


I woke up to the sound of beeping machines and a piercing pain in my head. I slowly sat up on the bed and realized I was at a hospital.

The first person I laid my eyes on was alpha Adrian, he stood at the door with his arms crossed and staring at me with disgust on his face.

“What…What happened to me?” I said in a weak voice.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Alice,” he said and I looked at him in confusion.

“I don’t understand, what did I do?” I stared at him with my brows furrowed.

“It's been just 3 weeks since I rejected you and you’ve been going around with another man huh?” He walked over to me and grabbed my chin harshly.

“What are you talking about? Get your hands off me.” I hit his hand very hard and he pulled back. He raked his hair with his fingers and looked at me with disgust.

“Your mate hit me with a bowl of hot soup and that is what landed me in this hospital in the first place, and you are here telling me this nonsense. Thank goodness I don’t have any scratches on me.” I said to him in a stern voice.

“How do you think they will feel when I tell them your secret, and how you have let your uncle down after all he has done for you?” I stare at him in confusion.

“How will you feel when I tell them you are pregnant, Alice?” As the word pregnant fell from his lips, I felt my whole world collapse right in front of me.

This cannot be happening, he’s probably joking. “Wait..what?!” I asked, and he chuckled.

“The doctor ran a general test on you and the results say you are 2 weeks pregnant Alice.” He said in a cold angry voice.

“I was right to have rejected you, but still I can’t get it out of my head that you let another man touch you.” His face filled with disgust and disappointment.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me from the bed, pushing me in front of alpha Lucas, who was coming in with Elizabeth.

“She won’t bring a very bad reputation to my pack, I didn't agree to join my pack with yours for someone from your pack to bring disgrace to mine.”

“What are you talking about? Alpha Lucas asked. “She’s pregnant.” He said and they all looked at me like I murdered someone.

I slowly tried to walk back trying to escape but alpha Lucas quickly grabbed me so I wouldn't have where to run to.

“Whore.” Stacey hissed as her hands were on Alpha Adrian's chest.

“How dare you see another man under my roof?!” He shouted at me, and I shook my head gently as I felt the tears rolling down my eyes. His grip on my wrist was so tight that I felt the pain radiating to my arm

“Who do you think you are? I have done nothing but care for you when your good-for-nothing mother left you here with me.”

“It's not what you think-” my statement wasn’t complete as I felt a slap on my face from Elizabeth.

“Do you think you can bring shame and disgrace to us young lady?” She yelled and dragged me to the car, sitting me at the back of the car with tears rolling down my eyes as we headed to the palace.

My head was blank, I didn’t know what to say at that moment. What will I say to them when they ask about the father and when it happened?

I know I would be in big trouble if they found out it was a one-night stand.

The car stopped in front of the palace. Elizabeth angrily opened the car door, dragged me out by my wrist, and pushed me down to the sitting room floor. Stacey and alpha Adrian were already seated, Stacey trying to hide my smile since the drama was exciting to her.

“Who is the father of that thing inside you?” Alpha Lucas asked and I just knelt there trembling, tears rolling down my eyes.

“I…I don’t know who the father is” I said and the whole room went quiet for a minute and I heard footsteps approaching me. Alpha Adrian grabbed my hair roughly, making me look at him. I could see the anger and disdain in his expression.

“What did you just say? You don’t know who the father is? Who will sleep with a weak omega like you?” He spat. “You got yourself pregnant with someone you don’t know.”

“It's all your fault!” I screamed at him and I got slapped by Elizabeth. “Never raise your voice at the alpha again you lowlife” She yelled at me.

“I’m glad I didn’t choose you, you are a whore” Adrian said to me in a cold voice.


I got back to my room, my lips trembled as I sat on the bed thinking about all that had happened.

I feared for the life of my child because despite not knowing my child’s father I would still keep the child.

The door slowly opened and the first thing I saw was Elizabeth come in with her maid directly behind her.

“Get her something to eat and some warmth, also the doctor to check on her child.” She instructed the maid.

The doctor came in shortly “She’s fine but she should eat well to keep herself and the child healthy. She should also reduce her workload.” The doctor instructed.

Elizabeth scoffed “Due to your carelessness now we are short-staffed.” She hissed before walking out of the room.

Days went by and Alpha Lucas was throwing a party for all the Alphas and Betas in all of North.

Despite knowing I’m pregnant and the doctor instructed them that my workload should be reduced, I’m still asked to work.

The party went on and I was serving drinks to guests. Walking to where the other guests were, someone accidentally bumped on me and the drinks poured on the suit of one of the guests.

Alpha Lucas immediately saw the scene, I could see the rage in his eyes. He immediately walked up to me and slapped me. “You again, always looking for ways to embarrass me! Clean this up immediately” he yelled at me, tears threatening to fall from my eyes but I cleaned them immediately.

I got a rag and started cleaning the mess, I looked up to look at the guest and stood in shock. The memories of that sinful night rushed into my head and I gasped.

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