

William Henry Blakes

I let out a sigh as I rubbed my eyes. I turned away from the door and slowly crept away from the place, heading down the stairs. Suzlzie had one of her nightmares again, sending me out of bed.

It started a few months back. She was still three when it began. It was the same day her mother left that she started to have those nightmares. A part of me wanted to hate her for leaving but why should I be bothered? They were all the same thing. They acted the same way.

I walked down the stairs in the dark, running my hand through my hair. I had gotten sensitive the past few months since the nightmare started. Usually, I would just stand by her door and let her nannies handle it. I never went in because they were always there before me. I didn't think I would be able to handle seeing her that way, crying and tossing about. If I would not go back to searching for her mother.

I walked into the kitchen and the lights turned on automatically. I went straight to the fridge and let my eyes scan the items. My eyes went straight to the food wrapped in foil. I was sure that it was the one Emily had offered me earlier.

I had not been hungry when she offered me the meal. Noris had been away for a while, and I'd gotten used to eating out before coming home because the nannies always took care of Suzzie.

Emily though.

There was something about her that was fascinating. Usually, I was always skeptical about the nannies and kept a watchful eye on them but something told me that she was different. If anything, the number of calls she had raided me with while I was at the board meeting earlier was enough to show her care. And the fact that she even invited me to dinner earlier.

Too bad I always ate out.

I grabbed the plate of the leftover meal and dished a portion of the cold meal into a plate. Next, I turned on the microwave and put the plate in it. Then, I waited. 

Waking up at times like this always left me hungry. Usually, I settled for a mug of chocolate or whatever but I didn't even know what I was doing microwaving the leftover meal. Once it was set, I settled down on the stool and started eating.

A bite was enough to drive me into gobbling up the meal. The meal was so deliciously tasty that it left me wondering. It didn't take me time before I finished eating and did the dishes. I wiped my hands clean and walked out of the kitchen. The lights turned off automatically when I walked out.

I made my way into my room, passing by Suzie's room. I hadn't seen her yet. Hopefully, I will get to see her tomorrow before I leave for Vegas. I should probably tell Emily that I was leaving for Las Vegas the following morning but I shrugged off the thought and walked into my room.

I grabbed my laptop and settled down on my bed. Once I started working, I let my mind wander at the thought of having Liam Roosevelt arrive there before me.

As much as I enjoyed the challenge from Roosevelt, I thought it was enough already. This had been fun and I didn't want it anymore. They were a rival company and business that loved to get in my way.

All the damn time.

I grabbed my phone and typed a quick text to Reece, having him prepare my jet for the trip I was going to embark on in the next two hours. 

I worked for a few more hours before I shut the laptop and climbed out of bed to prepare. 


About thirty minutes later, I stood in front of my mirror, adjusting the blue plaid tie I had tucked into my suit. As soon as I was satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my briefcase and walked out of my room. I walked down the corridor, and out to the stairs until I was out of the house.

Crew already got the car ready for me. He was one of my bodyguards. He was a very diligent worker, always protecting me when we detected trouble. And trust me, wherever I go, there is always trouble. And even as I climbed into the car, I wondered how much blood would spill that morning.

“Reece is waiting at the airport, ” Crew informed me as he started the car.

“I'm aware.” I nodded and took out my phone to continue working. Many called me a workaholic but the rules were simple. My father was wealthy but even he didn't attain this level of wealth and power at my age. I simply didn't rely on my father's wealth. That was all there was to it.

Thinking of my father, my phone started to ring and I answered it once I saw that it was him on the phone.

“Dad?” I called as I rested my back properly on the couch. There was a noise in the background. It was probably one of the many women he went around with. I tried not to frown as I placed the phone tightly to my ear.

“William, are you on your way to the airport now?” he asked and I couldn't resist frowning. My father didn't keep tabs on me. It was the other way around instead.

“Yes, is there a problem?” I asked.

“Other than Liam already on the plane to Vegas, nothing else.” My father told me and I cussed. 


“Okay, Dad. It's time for a little ride. I will talk to you later.” I didn't wait for him to say anything before I ended the call. “Crew?” I called out to him.

“On it, ” he replied before hitting the buttons and soon, we were at full speed on the road. I placed a call to Reece and he picked up on the first ring.

“Reece, find a way to delay Liam at the airport or wherever,” I told him.

“On it, boss.” He confirmed before the line went dead. 

Well, let the game begin.

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