

Emily Tamara Jacobs

I held out the book in my hand as I stared down at the little girl. She was lying down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling in the dimmed room. She was still upset, I could tell.

“Would you like me to read this one, Suzie?” I held out the storybook I had hand-selected for her. It was a princess book, so I hoped she would love it.

She shook her head slightly before turning her head away from me. She angled her body to the other side, looking at the wall. I exhaled not knowing what to do or say again.

After she ran out of the kitchen earlier, she stayed holed up in her room. Minutes after, I climbed up the stairs to talk to her but she turned her back against me, looking at the wall. She had been so upset and I got so worried that I had to call William but he didn't answer any of my calls.

Suzie wouldn't eat either. Even after I made dinner and brought it up to her room, she politely declined and went to bed. The only thing she kept talking about was how she wanted to see her dad. And she wouldn't stop sulking about it.

I sighed and pulled the duvet over her. She was still awake, her eyes glaring daggers at the wall. I wanted to lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead. Or maybe pull her to me and wrap my hands around her but I sensed she wouldn't like it so, I let her be.

I stepped out of her room and shut the door after whispering the words good night to her. She wouldn't even let me change her into her nightwear. I was so worried. I climbed down the stairs back into the kitchen. I leaned against the kitchen island, just staring around.

The whole place was so quiet. I couldn't detect any noise coming up. I reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I settled down at the table after dishing my meal. I had prepared mac and cheese for dinner. 

I started to eat while staring around. It was strange eating alone. I was either eating with my boss' children or the entire family. And when I was home, I was always eating with Sel and the kids. But now, eating alone tonight was very lonely. I hoped it wouldn't be that way for too long though. I wouldn't survive it.

I must have been so lost in thought about Suzie that I didn't realize William was home. It wasn't until he walked in and banged the door shut that I realized. I jumped, my gaze traveling out through the door just as he stopped in front of the door.

His jacket was discarded as they wrapped around his arms and his white shirt had the first three buttons undone; revealing the toned skin underneath. His face was pulled into a slight frown and he started to walk into the kitchen.

I paused eating and got up from my seat. 

“Good evening, ” I bowed slightly and he sent me a curt nod. He made for the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

 I waited and watched as he chugged down the content of the bottle, his Adam's apple bobbing with each gulp he took. I swallowed and looked away from him just as he tossed the bottle into the bin after having finished it.

“I called you, ” I started when I noticed that I had his attention now.

“I saw it, ” his deep voice sent chills running down my spine. I hated how his dark eyes were circling me and almost making me nervous like earlier. He saw my calls and didn't think to return them.

“Uhm, ” I stuttered, not knowing how to proceed with what I was about to say if he didn't even bother to return my calls after he saw them. 

“Why are you just having dinner?” He questioned and I gulped at his hard tone.

“I was having trouble with Suzane. She is refusing to eat. As a matter of fact, she didn't stop requesting to see you. That was the reason I called.” I mustered the courage to look him in the eye as I spoke. He wasn't even fazed. Not a single emotion crossed his eyes.

“Why?” He demanded.

“I don't know but it seems like she wants to see you,” I replied. He nodded, quietly.

When he started to walk out of the kitchen, my eyes widened and I immediately called him. “Erm William, ” I called him.

He stopped and turned toward me, his eyes boring holes into me again. He tilted his head to the side gently as if to tell me to get on with it.

“I made dinner. I don't know what you eat, of course. But...” I trailed off as I pointed at my half-eaten meal. He didn't even spare my plate a glance.

“Good. Don't include mine next time.” He was slightly amused, I could tell by the small smile playing at the corner of his eyes. He turned and walked away and this time I didn't stop him.

Seconds later, I was still glaring at the door until I decided that I wasn't doing that again. So, I picked up my plates and packed up the leftovers. As soon as I knew I had it in a warm place, I left the kitchen and headed off to my room. 

It was a long day and I had a feeling that it was going to be a long night.



My eyes fluttered open at the low startling cry coming from the room adjoining mine. I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. My gaze immediately landed on the door that led to Suzane's room, knowing that the cry came from there.

I pushed my duvet cover off my body and climbed down my bed. I pushed the door open and crept into her room. I turned on the lights and my eyes widened at the little girl sitting up on her bed, head on her knees.

“Suzie, ” I rushed toward her, an alarm shooting up my spine. I didn't hesitate before sitting down beside her. Her soft comfy bed dipped slightly with my weight on it.

“Suzie, darling.” I cooed as I gathered her in my hands. Thankfully, she didn't protest as she let me wrap my hands around her while I gently rocked her to my body.

“What was it? A nightmare?” I whispered as I massaged her scalp, kneading my fingers into her soft curly hair.

I patted her back and whispered soothing words to her until she calmed down. When she had stopped crying but still had her hands wrapped around me, I gently pried her head up with my fingers.

“Better now?” I whispered as I wiped her face clean with my hands. She nodded quietly and I sighed.

“Tell me, what was it?” I pressed, hoping she would talk. But the frightful look that came up on her face had me dropping the topic instantly. “Okay, okay. You don't have to talk about it.” I told her.

“Emily, ” she called just when I thought she wouldn't remember my name. “Ms. Emily, ” I didn't know what made her correct herself but I frowned.

“You can call me Emily, okay? And if it makes you feel better, call me Aunt Emily. That's what my niece calls me.” I told her, smiling down at her.

“Your niece?” She asked with imploring eyes.

“Yes, she is just four like you. Her name is Eleanor. Would you like to meet her?” I asked, smiling at the little girl.

“Can I be her friend?” she whispered as she met my gaze again. I was quick to nod.

“You can be her friend if you want. Eleanor doesn't have many friends.” I muttered and she smiled. Then, she exhaled.

I held her that way without saying a word. When my eyes caught the time on her wall clock, I was surprised to see that it was almost four in the morning.

“Would you...?” I was starting to say when her stomach made a rumbling sound. My lips curled into a teasing smile while she shifted uncomfortably in my hold.

“Seems someone is hungry.” I poked her stomach and a giggle burst through her lips. I smiled, satisfied that I had made her laugh. “ I can make you something. Or would you like candy bars?” I asked.

“Candy bar, please.” She whispered and I nodded. I released her and went straight to my room. I opened the mini freezer and let my eyes scan the items there until I saw the candy bars where I had seen them earlier. I took two and returned with them to her room.

“Here you go, ” I handed them to her. She nodded and beamed her thanks at me. 

“Want me to do anything else for you?” I asked her. She shook her head quickly.

“I can handle myself now, ” she whispered and my brows arched up at her words. She was just a child yet she acted and spoke with such maturity. I nodded and went back to my room when I was sure that she would be fine.

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