

Emily Tamara Jacobs.

 I looked around. The walls of the room were painted indigo and white. The bedspread of my bed was black, with four purple pillows spread out at the head. I love how warm and cozy the colors are.

 I eyed the walk-in closet, a part of my mind whispered that now was the right time to get my ass off the bed and arrange my clothes into it, and the other part told me to lay my back on the bed and let the comfort whisk me away to wonderland. 

I gave in to the other part, laying on the bed, a soft moan escaping my lips as I felt the muscles in my lower back loosen. I stretched out my hand, searching around for my phone and picking it up. I texted Selene, informing her that I was settled in William’s house, before setting up an alarm for myself. I dropped the phone next to my ear and then released a contented sigh as I closed my eyes. 

I whisked my eyes open moments later. The alarm was so damn loud. Reaching for my phone which I had tossed somewhere earlier, I took it and turned off the alarm. My eyes widened when I saw the time. I certainly did not have a thirty-minute nap. I must be this tired because I had spent all night packing up. I didn't even realize that I was tired before now.

I rolled out of bed, noting how the sheets creased under me. A yawn busted out of my lips as I rose to my feet. I went ahead to grab my boxes before pulling them into the impressive walk-in closet. It was large and painted white. Was there anywhere in this house that wasn't large? Not to talk of the aircon fixed there.

“This is nice,” I told myself with a small smile playing on my lips. I pulled one of the boxes open and started to sort out my things. I arranged my outfits in ways where I could easily detect where each style of dressing occupied. It took me a while to sort out everything but I did.

I walked out of the closet, wiping my palms on my jeans before shutting the door. I attempted to go downstairs to make something for myself but thought against it. A glance at the time told me Suzzie might be here anytime soon. Since I would be making lunch for her, I might as well wait till she comes back.

Picking up my phone, a smile crawled up my lips when I saw a text from Sel telling me that she was home. Sel always closed from work early. Earlier than anyone I know. After her divorce, she spoke to her immediate superior at the office about her kids. They concluded that she could go home whenever she finished the day's task. Selene is a hard worker and always manages to finish early.

At first, her superior was wary about letting her go but he soon learned to come to terms with it when she became consistent. I sat on my bed and placed a call onto her. A few rings later, the call was picked and David's face appeared on the screen.

“Aunt Emily!” he waved, grinning at the phone. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled through me and out my mouth. These children always gave me joy. Maybe it was the fact that I watched them grow.

“Howdy, my little warrior!” I tried on an accent I knew he loved and I was right because his grin widened and he giggled loudly.

“Howdy,” he waved back. Well, someone was a lot cheerier than he was in the morning. That was great news, I suppose.

“You are at your new home? How is the kid like?” he asked, seeming curious. I couldn't blame him. Not when I was always telling them about the kids I get to babysit.

“I haven't met her yet but I know—”

“Aunt Emily!” A cute whiny voice called out and interrupted me from talking. Soon enough, she was pulling at her brother's shirt to climb up the couch where I could see her. David cast her a glare and she in return stuck her tongue out at him.

“Little miss fiery Eleanor,” I teased her and diverted her attention back to me. She giggled, wrapping a hand over her mouth while her blonde curls swayed about.

“Aunt Em,” she waved this time and I smiled. Then, she was reaching for her mum's phone. I knew what happened next because suddenly I couldn't see any of them but the ceiling. So, I knew David had raised the phone higher away from her reach and they were now fighting over it as I heard.

“Give me the phone David. I want to talk to Aunt Emily. You have spoken to her. Dave, give me.” She cried, throwing a tantrum.

“No!” David firmly refused and I shook my head, knowing it would be a waste of time to try to call them to order. They never listen when they are at it.

“Dave, give me.” I imagined Eleanor shoving him by his side now while she struggled and jumped on the couch.

“Actually, I will take it from here.” I heard Selene's voice and I smiled. “Dave, hand it over.” She ordered in her stern tone. Within a few seconds, I was looking at Selene.

“Butterhead,” Eleanor called at him. Since she was beside her mum, I saw her stick her tongue at him.

“Fish,” David called back and Selene groaned exasperatedly.

“That's enough you two. Let it go!” She yelled. After they went quiet, she turned toward me with a small, tired smile. I grinned.

“Don't worry. All you need to do is ask Dan to come over. They love him.” I wiggled my brows at her and she groaned, almost palming her face.

“Let that go, will you?” She glared at me and I laughed out loud. “How is it going?” She was quick to change the topic.

“Well, I can't say. All I know is that he has been extremely rude to me.  Well, I can live with that. The house is extremely huge though.” I went on to tell her about the other things I noticed. She laughed when I told her about the part William had asked me to figure things out.

“You will get used to it. You will live,” she shrugged and I nodded. Her face took on a concerned look. “Just be careful, Emily.” She pleaded.

“I will,”  I placed my hand on my chest as a promise to her. She smiled before we moved on to other things. Soon, I ended the call and shot a quick text to Yara. I climbed down from the bed and started to head out of the room when I heard the car drive in. Since the whole estate was quiet, any little sound resonated. 

I quickened my pace down the hall and stairs till I was waiting by the living room. I got to the living room just about the same time the door unlocked and in came a little girl, followed by a huge-looking man. He was huge, hulky but the smile on his face didn't make him look intimidating one bit. He was just as huge as Crew, if not more.

“You must be Emily,”  he spoke first, his dark eyes accessing me. I nodded quickly and he smiled.

“I'm Trevor, Suzie's guard.” He introduced himself and I smiled before telling him that I knew who he was. He must have sensed that I didn't have an interest in talking to him because he handed me Suzie's lunch park before passing me a curt nod. As soon as he was out of the room, I fell to my knees before the little girl.

“Hey,” I called softly as I waved at her. Her dark eyes imitating her dad were darting everywhere but stopped when I started talking to her. “Hey, Suzzie.” I introduced a small smile on my face.

Pulling at her pink striped green-colored uniform, her dark eyes met mine. I didn't expect to see what I saw in her eyes. The guarded look she stared at me with. Jesus, she was just four. 

“Hi,” her voice was soft and silvery, almost like she never used it. And she was so pretty, adorable with that cute bow tucked into her lush brown hair. She must have gotten the hair color from her mom.

I smiled. 

“I'm Emily, your new nanny. It's nice to meet you.” I told her. She blinked, eyes staring at me with uncertainty. She didn't even smile back. Suddenly, she pushed and took a step away from me, further into the room.

“Where is Dad?” she asked, looking around the room for her dad. 

“He went back to work,” I told her. I might have imagined the slump of her shoulders but I didn't imagine the look on her face. She looked disappointed. “But don't worry, he will be back soon.” I don't know what prompted me to say that but I did anyway. She let out a sigh and clutched the strap of her bag.

“Hey, are you hungry?” I tried to get her to say something but she wouldn't stop looking at me. She didn't nod nor confirm what I had asked, she just made for the stairs and I guessed she was hurrying to her room. I exhaled and let her be, noting that she might have a hard time accepting me.

I took her lunch park with me to the kitchen William had shown me earlier. It was remotely large and very clean. I pulled the fridge open and let my eyes scan the filled space. After quick thinking, I settled for making us sandwiches. At least, most kids I know love sandwiches. Eleanor was included and she was also four.

I had just finished wrapping the meal when she appeared at the door of the kitchen, big black eyes peering up at me. I noticed she had changed and from her damp hair, I knew she also took a bath. I smiled at her as I beckoned for her to come in.

“Come in, Suzie. I made sandwiches.” I pointed to the plate. A sighed and made her way in, the jean shorts she had on hugging her thighs. She brought her tablet with her and took a seat on the high stool. I wanted to help her but when I noticed that she got it, I let her be.

“I don't take nuts,” she mumbled as she eyed the plate of sandwiches. I chuckled and nodded at her without bothering to tell her that I could not have added nuts to the sandwiches.

“I know, Suzie. Your father told me.” She frowned and started to eat quietly. “Milk or juice?” I asked her.

“Milk,” she answered and I nodded. I had hoped she would say that. I don't think I would have the heart to deny her that if she asked for Juice. I poured her a glass of milk before I took my share of sandwiches while keeping my eyes on her. She had her head bent as she ate, her tablet untouched before me.

 She was just so quiet like William said she was. I was on my last one and she was still on her first when she looked up and met my eyes again.

“I want my daddy. Call him and ask him to come home, please.” She cried. I didn't even know she was crying not until I saw the tears. And to think that she was crying so quietly. She hopped down from the high stool, almost spraining her ankle. Before I could say anything, she had sprinted out of the kitchen leaving me to my confused thoughts.

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