

Emily Tamara Jacobs

The car pulled to a stop in front of the tall-looking building. Ever since we entered this part of town, away from the bustling city, I had been on alert. I meant, what if he was taking me to a murder spot to be murdered?

What would I tell Sel and her kids?

Thinking of Sel, I had yet to call her ever since that time. I should have texted her before we left the company. Looking around me now, I didn't think that there was time for that.

The door to my side got pulled open and I heaved a deep sigh before I stepped out of the car. Crew had gotten the door for me. I gave him a small smile in appreciation which he returned.

I looked around my environment as I helped myself with my box which had been taken from the car's booth. A large mass of tall trees and flowers spread along the line. My brows furrowed as I looked around. How could a child live in a place like this?

For more than twenty minutes that we drove down here, there had been no cars along the road or any building at all. Heck, there had not been a human in sight which made this place extremely secluded. It made the hairs on my body stand at attention.

“Come along, " William ordered before he took the lead, walking ahead. I frowned, feeling uneasy as I guided my feet to lead behind him. He was walking at a pace that made me so uncomfortable. The driveway was large, the building was very large too.

It was a mansion and the style it was designed in made it look like a penthouse but it wasn't. After trying the locks which he told me the passcode to, the door opened and William led me inside. I stepped in too, looking around the whole place.

Soon, we were stepping into the living room and I was left to marvel at the large space. The beautiful interior designs got me gawking again. It was apparent that William got a taste. Mighty taste at that.

“Come on, I will give you a tour of the house.” Before I could say, Jack was already walking ahead of me out of the living room. I glared hard at his back before trailing behind him.

He showed me everywhere in the large house. The study, his office, Suzzie's bedroom, the other bedrooms including his which I had no business with, the kitchen, and virtually just everywhere. Finally, he stopped at my room and pushed the door open for me right after handing me the key.

Too tired to say a word, I walked into the room after thanking him and shut the door. Just like I expected, the room was very large. The marble floorings were just what I needed and the queen-sized bed called out to me.

Every other thing in the room appealed to me, including the large TV screen and mini refrigerator at one end of the room. But what made the room three times better was the fact that it had a door that connected me right with Suzie's room. I loved that it would make things a lot easier for me.

I had just settled into my space properly and even got the chance to chat with Sel and my boss, Yara when a knock came pounding on my door. I hopped out of my bed and stalked toward the door knowing full well that it could only be one person at the door.

“Sir?” I said immediately I pushed the door open. The corner of his lips twisted cynically and I immediately corrected myself under his harsh gaze. “I meant, William.” I mused.

“Come with me to the living room.” He ordered. I nodded and stepped out just about the time he started walking away. Like earlier, I glared at his back as I trailed behind him.

“As you might have guessed, nobody else lives here except for me.” He started once I walked into the living room. I nodded my head at him. I did notice that there was not a single maid in sight.

“I'm a very private man. I hate to tell the world personal things about myself which include where I live. You are expected to do the same.” He pointed out and I nodded, understanding his point.

It wasn't like I invited friends to the house of my clients. It was against the policy. I knew that. Even if it wasn't, I wouldn't do that because it just wasn't me.

“I don't have a live-in maid but I do have housekeepers who come in to clean every morning between the time of ten in the morning till noon. Then, they leave. And there is Noris, my chef.” He sighed. “Unfortunately, Noris isn't available at the moment. Don't worry, she will be available soon, I hope.” He informed me and I nodded, getting the point.

“So, you want me to take over the job of a chef while she is away?” I arched a brow at him as I folded my hands across my chest.

“I do.” He affirmed. “Will that be a problem for you?” He tilted his head to the side and watched me.

I could do that. I could work with all of that. In fact, I loved to do my cooking. I enjoyed having to cook my meal.

“Not at all, ” I smiled.

“Great!” He seemed glad about the news. “Just make sure Suzie eats appropriately and we are good. She will be brought in from school in two hours by Trevor, the second bodyguard. Starting tomorrow, you are expected to join her in the car ride both to and fro.” He informed me and I nodded, taking it all in.

“Noted, William.” I nodded.

He grabbed his coat which had been hanging on his arm. He slipped it on while I watched him. He was going out. He was leaving me in this big house all to myself.

“You are going out?” I asked, eyes widening. He stopped and glanced my way.

“Yes, is there a problem?” He queried. I bit down on my lower lip as I took a step back. 

“What am I supposed to do while you are away?” I asked him. He stopped to glance at me again, the corners of his lips tugging upward.

“Figure it out because you will be alone most of the time.” He deadpanned before walking away, leaving me standing there and blinking at myself.

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