
58. Cal

It wasn’t enough to worship her all night. The instant I woke up, I needed more.

Still dozing, Hope's hair formed a shining cascade of fire across the bed and my chest. Nuzzling herself into me, her ass hit against my hip, and all real thinking vanished into thin air.

Rolling over, I felt her sleepily murmur soft little noises, adjusting her shape to find me. Without hesitation, I rolled, wrapping my body around her warm little shape, spooning her close.

The relief at feeling no pain in my shoulder was unreal. It also meant the same arm could slowly stroke up and down her leg under the blankets. Gradually stirring her breathing started to fall in time with the brushes of my hand, conducting my own personal symphony.

When my finger trailed too close to her inner hip, she let out a little gasp of pleasure. “Morning Cal, now, just what do you think you’re doing,” she whispered with a sly smile, her eyes still closed.

Instead of the soft, gentle Cal of last night, I feel restored, invi

Thanks so so much for all the support in this book! Any reviews, gems and comments are massively appreciated! X

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Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hello Alle! I finally caught up with the chapters! I was on sleep mode before I realized this book was out! I’m loving it!
goodnovel comment avatar
Čila Gabrić
Yes Cal, you are every bit of a Alpha and they should know there is no kidding around!
goodnovel comment avatar
Hello Yailyn!!!! x

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