

Lirael's POV

I wake to something hot pressed against my side. My eyes fly open and immediately find the woman curled up next to me, her mass of dark hair draped over my arm, the rest of it partially covering her face. Her long, dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks as she dreams.

I’m not sure what came over me last night when I asked her to stay. No. That’s not true. I know exactly what I was thinking. I was thinking that I liked that she’d cooked for me. I liked that she’d laughed with me. I really liked what she’d let me do to her afterward. Having her with me after a long fucking week of work had felt good. More than good. I hadn’t wanted that feeling to go away.

I hadn’t wanted her to go. And I don’t know what the hell to do with that.

I slide myself away from her and out of bed. She makes a little whimper and curls into herself, and I want to crawl right back under the covers, roll her onto her back, and bury my head between her legs. My thoughts are all over the place right
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