


My trail of thoughts was interrupted as I sighted the king coming towards my direction, Lucien was beside him with some elders behind.

Once the king halted before me I felt anger radiating off him. Within a blink of an eye, he slapped me hard on my cheeks; The sound resounded in my ears a thousand times, increased the ache in my head, and sent me to the ground. 

What sort of mess was I in this time around? Is it a crime to reject his son, moreover I thought he didn't care about it at the party.

The warriors immediately dragged me up, bringing me back to my previous kneeling position. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I held my gaze down feeling lightheaded. 

“Where the hell is the other runt?” He furiously asked.

"She managed to escape, father. But I've sent my men to look for her. That should be the least of your worries." Lucien replied. 

“Least of my worries, you say?, She is highly incriminated for trying to help this killer get away with your brother's death, I want her corpse before nightfall!”.

Lysander is dead?! 

My eyes grew wide. I looked up at them, confusion etching my brows. This was definitely a misunderstanding. I didn't kill Lysander, Eugenia only sedated him. 

I don't think sedatives could kill, can they? 

Oh no! I panicked. Unless she overdosed him. 

“I didn't kill Lysander—” I began saying only for the crowd to burst out in an uproar, throwing demeaning words at me.

“Don't you dare deny it, you runt!" The king fired at me, his eyes blazing in anger that could consume my entire soul. 

Lucien clenched his teeth, glaring hard as he added. “All leads point to you, Hera. You were the one locked up in the same cell where he'd died and your scent was all over him—”

I cut in, anger brewing in my tone.“That's because he tried violating me, I had to fight back!”

My stance stirred yet another uproar from the crowd, this time around they all repeatedly called me a liar. I was devastated, no one was buying my words. Sneaking a look at the king's face, I felt goosebumps. He is extremely vexed.

Lucien shook his head and scoffed. “And why will my brother find a runt like you appealing to part your legs huh? You fuckin killed Lysander!”

“Now tell us how the hell did you get your hands on the wolfsbane you injected him with, because as far as I know wolfsbane is prohibited in this pack”

I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks.“I swear I didn't kill Lysander, I know nothing of what y'all are talking about!”

I do know Eugenia injected Lysander but she'd said it was sedative. How the hell did it turn out to be Wolfsbane? 

Considering she is just a servant, there is no way Eugenia could possibly afford Wolfsbane. Though Lucien claims it's prohibited some pack members still use it, the influential ones though.

Selling Eugenia out was the last thing on my mind. We've been friends right from a very young age and I knew her all too well. She will never betray me nor was she capable of killing. These were totally out of her character and I'm certain this is all a misunderstanding.

“My granddaughter is innocent!" A familiar voice came crying across the field. Grandma made her presence known, her strained eyes pooled in tears as she pushed past the crowd. She was immediately held back by a warrior from coming closer to me and restrained with a sword to her neck—My stomach clenched.

“I beg of you, my king. My granddaughter is innocent—.”The king swiftly cut in."Shut your mouth woman. Your daughter here is a murderer and there's no room for your opinion nor your pleas”.

Returning his glare to me, he gave a nod signal to the warriors at my sides. Silently getting his order, they roughly pulled me. The crowds gave way, faintly throwing insults at me as I was dragged over to the heart of the field. 

Upon arrival, they pushed me against the stone of justice, plunged my head past the burrowed hole in the execution bar, and tied my hands behind me. 

At this point, death was staring right at me but I was too numb to feel a thing. There's nothing worth saying to stop the king's wrath, everyone knows that.

“For unlawful possession of wolfsbane, I shall deal with Hera Julius accordingly after which our king will finalize the execution in whatever way that pleases him”. Lucien announced, standing before me with a horsewhip in his grasp.

Smirking, he fiercely struck my back causing me to scream. The impact of the second and third strikes tore my dress giving way for the other strikes to land directly on my bare skin. 

Elsa took control, creating a barrier to subside the pain yet it remained unbearable. I couldn't keep up with the number of strikes he delivered to my back but I'd know for sure my skin was ripped. By the time he was done, Elsa had taken far too much pain and was unresponsive. I fear I might have lost her.

Lucien stepped aside as the king took his steps forward. I was barely holding up my consciousness and so I didn't feel any tension building within me as he unsheathed his sword.

With my head hung low, Silently accepting cruel fate, I awaited the last pain of my life. 

Seconds turned minutes and the pain didn't come. Curious, I raised my head and saw the King a few feet away in a conversation with the pack's seer, Blair's father. Onyx.

And that reminds me, I had yet to see Blair in the crowd. I guess she wasn't present because she would have been right beside Lucien. She has always been a big fan of seeing me this miserable so her absence was quite odd. 

Brushing off the thought, I returned my attention to the king and sage.

“You must have seen it wrong, Onyx. I can't spare her life, This runt killed my son!” He fired at him.

"You have to, My king. And I had never been wrong about my vision. I just saw it, he's coming to get her—”

"Who is coming to get her?” He confusedly asked. In response, Onyx walked over to me and pulled the sleeve of my dress down. 

The crowd gasped. 

My brows furrowed on seeing a wolf tattoo faintly glowing on my shoulder. I swear I have never had such a mark on my shoulder. It was shocking and more confusing as I was yet to know what it meant.

And then comes my answer. “She is Lycan Damien's breeder”. Onyx said aloud. 


Breeder to Damien?

The infamous dominant Lycan known for his cold stone heart and bloodthirsty appetite. This confirms I was actually cursed, only the cursed are destined to share fate with Lycan Damien. 

Lucien seethed.“Then what? We aren't letting her go free—.” 

“Really?” A hoarse voice cut in. Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the voice. 

Standing there was a tall brawny man, his dirty blonde hair was stylishly tousled. I couldn't make out his physique as he was clothed in a long gray coat yet he looked effortlessly charming and exuded authority.

“Who the hell are you?!" Lucien shot at the man. 

Onyx answered instead."Get yourself together Alpha. He is the Lycan king”.

Wait what?

He is the Lycan king? I just complimented a man who gave me chills a few minutes back. 

No way, I never expected him to be this handsome considering his chilling reputation. I was expecting a short bald man with a yellowish set of teeth and chapped lips—He was the complete opposite and I was kind of satisfied about it.

Oh wait, was I indirectly accepting my cruel fate to be with him? Of course not. 

“And so fuckin what?!" Lucien shot at Onyx and faced Lycan Damien.“You ain't taking her an inch away from here!"

Lycan Damien's expression remained calm and relaxed as he walked closer to Lucien. The moment he halted before him, tension encroached on the air.—I had always thought Lucien was the tallest man I had ever seen but I was dead wrong. Lycan Damien's height was at a whole other level and the strength radiating off his emerald eyes was immeasurable. 

“I bet you don't want to get on my bad side. Step aside" He finally broke his silence. 

Phew, no punches. Well, maybe not yet. They're still glaring at each other, escalating the tension. 

The king pulled Lucien back and stepped forward “I apologize on his behalf. What brings you to my pac—”

"You already know. So unchained her this instant while I'm being all nice.” He cut him off.

“Uhmm. With all due respect, she needs to complete her death penalty”. 

He shot a brow, finally looking my way. I couldn't make out his expression as he asked.“What did she do?"

“She killed my younger son." The king replied and his brows snapped together. As he intently looked at me, I wished he could see through my heart and know I was innocent.

He looked away, facing the King. “Fine, but I still need her. Name your price".

I sighed. He thinks I'm guilty and basically, a commodity he could purchase.

“No amount of money is worth my son's life. I want her to pay with her life." The king calmly replied, but from his expression he was furious.

“I understand you're grieving, Aiden. How about we come to an agreement?” King Aiden's angry expression subsided as he stared at him while he added.“Give me a year. Once she breeds my offspring, I will bring her back for you to finalize her execution".

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