
Old Love is not Over
Old Love is not Over
Author: Jana Indria


"Do you really want to go back to headquarters, Mrs?"

Rere stopped the constant movement of his hand from putting everything on the table in a cardboard box that he had requested at one of the boys' offices.

With a long breath, he stood upright and gave his body to the beautiful woman in the wide veil standing before him.

"Yes outdoors. She could not help but be put out by the boss." said Rere with a genuine smile.

Rere understood Nia's sadness, three years of herself accompanied by a beautiful girl who always concealed her beauty behind the thick glasses and the veil she had always used. Both spent time working together. Made him feel what Nia was feeling.

"Will the head be a female successor, Mrs Rere?"

"I don't know, it won't be until tomorrow! So yes shithead let's see, tomorrow!" replied the Rere, who was back busy with her luggage.

 "Mmm ...!" Nia clears her throat, with the sad face she shows. His hand chose a chair nearest to rere's position, where it was occupied.

"Don't be sad, Nia."

Rere again stopped what he was doing just to comfort the hearts of his own men whom he had considered a brother during his sojourn in the city.

"We can still be in touch. When you have a boyfriend, you'll forget me."

"No one will be sincere friends with me, Mrs. Do not be friendly, just say hello to them." Answer Nia, again she shows her sad face.

"Only Mrs would be my friend." Nia answered with her eyes staring at the floor.

 "Come on, let's go!"

All of a sudden Rere picked up his bag from the chair and walked out the door and stood there looking at her now and now with red eyes holding back tears.

"Mrs, where are we going?" Asked Nia in amazement, for suddenly Rere invited her away.

Rere didn't answer Nia's question, he just slightly moved her head to make a gesture to get her on her feet and walk after her.

Seeing the expression rere gave her, Nia didn't have the courage to say another word. Other than giving in to her director's wishes.

Rere stopped in the lobby, waiting for the person he had just ordered to bring his car to the front of the lobby.

 "Mrs ...."

 Rere was no longer concerned with Nia's words, especially with that her car had come and stopped in front of her.

 "Mrs ...!" Greet a man in an office boy suit who approaches and extends his hand, giving him the keys of a car while bending over a little bit.

 "Thank you very much." Says Mrs. Rere who slipped some money into office boy's hands.

 "You're welcome, Mrs." Said the office with a happy smile.

But it was not noticed by the rere, who had stepped toward the door of his car.

"Nia ... Come in!" Rere instructed her to open the door, and immediately after she sat down and closed the door.

"Mrs ... why are we here, who's to wear makeup?" asked Nia as she saw her boss driving over at a famous salon in town.

Rere was still silent, he shut off his car which he had accidentally parked under a big, shady tree in the middle of the salon's yard.

Opening the car door and stepping out, without saying anything, made Nia sitting next to her not dare to ask questions, except in her boss's footsteps.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

A receptionis instantly greeted kindly as the Rere followed Nia from behind approached the only table in the lobby of the salon.

 "Please tell Mrs. Dinda that Rere is here."

 "Please sit down, Mrs." The receptionis reply was friendly, her right hand pointing to an empty chair in front of her desk.

Without answering Rere directly to the seat designated by the lady receptionis, playing her cell phone.

 Nia was again able to keep up with her boss without the courage to ask again.

 "Sorry, Mrs. Rere. Mrs Dinda was forced to leave because she had family interests, but she gave me the honor of doing her duty."

 A man Stylish as a woman approached a Rere who was playing on his cell phone.

 "You really can do it?" Said Rere, who looked at the man's face from top to bottom, as unsure.

 "hopefully, I can make you smile today." Said the man was friendly, as though he was not drawn by Rere's condescending remark.

"Please change the girl behind me!" Said Rere without turning his head but was able to make Nia's eyes almost pop out of its petals.

 "Mrs ...." Choked on Nia's voice, unable to continue her word.

 "Come, miss, come with me." Ask the man with a friendly smile, to Nia who seems unwilling to stand.

"But don't you go after him, you're not muhrim!" Rere said, with his eyes fixed on his phone.

 "Yes, Mrs." Answered the man still with a friendly smile.


[Have you found a place for me yet?] Ask Rere to a person he is calling on his cell phone. Shortly after Nia left him alone in the lobby of the salon.

 [Already, everything is in order, Mrs. Even complete with one maid of middle-aged women.] Answer the person on the phone.

 [Do you know who will replace me here?]

 [Sorry, Mrs. I didn't get anything, it looks like Mr. Boss will really give you a lot of surprises.]

[Pick me up tomorrow night at the airport, don't be late, ok!]

 [Ready, Mrs!]

 [Thanks, Din. Tomorrow night don't make me wait, ok!]

 No need to wait for an answer from the guy he called, he switched off his phone and put it back in his bag.

 "Mrs ... enjoy, please." Lady receptionis that we placed on the table, two bottles of tea and some doughnut cake on the plate. Offer it to Rere at once.

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