
Chapter 0239

A cow being led to slaughter.

I was ushered into a beautiful room, more luxurious than anything I had ever had the opportunity to see. Purple colored circular walls, and furniture to match. The double king-sized bed sat in the middle of the room, right on top of a white fur rug I imagined would be incredibly soft.

A magnificent vanity mirror rested at the distal end of the room, at another further end was a door I assumed led to the bathroom, but discovered it led to walk in closet almost the size of the room.

Everything about that moment felt like a dream, one I had been trapped it with no means of escape.

Beautiful, dreamy, and definitely too good to be true. The world was dancing around me, like I was a character in a video game, and a force I couldn’t see was pressing all the wrong buttons just to mess with me.

“No.” I finally blurted out for the first time in what felt like hours.

The uniformed maid in front of me arched her right brow in confusion.


“Don’t call me that.” I snapped, clearly out of breathe. I was overwhelmed by everything around me. It felt like I was being sucked in, and I realized I had made no attempt to escape the sickening hole.

“I need to see the king.” I breathed out, looking around for the door.

“I need to see him immediately!”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that, lady Lillie…”

I glared at the maid once again.

“I told you… I told you not to call me that! No madam, no lady, no titles! Just Lillie. My name is Lillie.”

Brown eyes narrowed on me. She stared at me like I was crazy, and she wasn’t wrong for that. I was losing my mind!

“I must apologize, but I cannot do that. You are now the alpha king’s mistress, and it is a must that…”

Mistress. The word caused my stomach to recoil.

I was nobody’s mistress. I could never be anybody’s mistress, and if was to ever stoop that low in my life, it won’t be because of a man I simply couldn’t stand!

Mate bond or not, I was going to find him, reject our bond, and reject the title he had forcefully given me!

“I can’t… I can’t do this.” I said, before turning away from her, and towards the door.

“Lady Lillie!” She screamed, calling after me. I could hear the panic in her voice, but I ignored it and dashed out of the room as quickly as I could.

I banged the door behind me once I was out, and looked ahead. There were only a few doors in the corridor, and a group of people stood in front of the one closest to the wall.

I stood there, curious about the small crowd, until I heard someone speak.

“I do not know what your plan is, your majesty, but…”

“Are you questioning my choices, lord Hale?”

The second voice, even though I couldn’t see the speaker, caused every bit of hair on my skin to stand at attention.

There was only one man who had the influence on me.

“Alpha David!” I yelled, matching in the direction of the room.

All heads turned to look at me. Some eyes stared in astonishment, some in disgust, but they were the least of my worries.

“I need to see the alpha, and I need to see him now!”

“You would be more polite when speaking of…”

“Let her be, lord Hale.”

The voice came again, causing me to come to an abrupt halt.

He stepped out of the room, no longer in his royal regalia. The only piece of clothing on him that remained from the presentation was the white inner shirt. Now with the first three buttons undone, and his hair rough, he was… breathtaking.

“Leave us.” He spoke in his ever daunting voice, and I watched as the men, all five of them, most of which were over twice his age, hurried away.

What sort of a man was he?

“Dearest,” he called out to me, and my intestines twisted in my stomach.

Was I lucid dreaming?

“What is the matter?”

Tongue tied, I continued to gawk at him.

Once the elders disappeared from the corridor, and their footsteps couldn’t be heard from a distance, those bright blue eyes of his turned dark.

“Are you suddenly deaf? Or has something caught that sharp tongue of yours?”

There he was again.

My shock gave way for my temper to rise to its boiling point, which seemed to happen every time I set eyes on him.

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