
Chapter 0240


There was no winning with this man. I knew it from the second his sea blue eyes settled on mine. The second his eyes roamed over the tattoo on my neck again, and his brows furrowed in the most disdainful frown I had ever seen in my life, I knew what he was going to do. I also knew that no matter how much I had tried to convince myself in the past years that I hated him and his entire family, his actions in the next couple of minutes would tear my heart into pieces- thousands of shreds I would never be able to put back together again.

My wolf kicked inside of me again and I warned her sternly to behave herself. This was a life and death situation.

“You are the daughter of a banished one,” he said again, circling around me. My skin crawled as he walked around me in circles.

I swallowed a lump of saliva down my throat as I stood still.

“Yes, my lord,” I answered again.

The tension in the air was rising that I could feel it get to my throat. It may strangle me to death if I was not careful. Scratch that, I was already losing my mind.

“When did you return? I would love to know,” he asked.

His voice. I could not really decipher the tone. He didn't sound stern nor calm. It was just different. I had no idea what awaited me.

“A few years ago.”

“Why? Why did you return?” he asked me and I just looked on.

I had no idea on how to answer the question and I just blurted out anything that came out of my mouth.

“I have no idea. Maybe, because there is no place like home,” I answered in a sarcastic tone and everyone laughed out loud.

The King came to a halt in front of me. Took some steps back and ran his eyes through me.

Hatred. I had seen it that morning ag the garden, and I was seeing it again.

I could not help but wonder what I did to deserve this. I was just two years old when my father did what he did.

Was I meant to suffer for his crime? My brother and I had lived in hell. Suffered and tortured because of my father's crime.

Up till now, he still suffers from everything. His heart disease still persisted.

And, the royal family still had the guts to hate us. They still had the guts to look at us as though our lives didn’t matter.

The royal family was to be blamed for everything that has happened.

“I'm quite surprised that you had the guts to stand in front of me, knowing fully well that the blood of innocent ones are on you,” he finally spoke to me.

This time, I could feel the anger and hatred in his voice.

“My father made a mistake…”

He scoffed at the mention of the word “‘mistake”, but I ignored him.

“I do not know why I need to be punished for that twenty years later.”

He just stood and stared at me with a raised eyebrow.

“You do not see why? You are his seed, his blood runs through your veins.”

I almost hissed at him.

“So does your grandmother’s, but I do not see a tattoo on your neck for that.”

The hall fell into murmurs, and his eyes darkened. I saw him clench his fists into balls, forcing me to swallow hard.

“Most of us were not aware of what our fathers were doing. How would I? I was only two years old.” I tried to reason with him, for myself and for hundreds of banished ones on the street of DarkMoon.

“You liar!” he yelled in a thunderous tone and fear gripped everyone in there.

“Your father,” he started with his finger pointed at me. “Your father is responsible for the death, abuse and rape of thousands of women across the kingdom and you open your mouth to say this nonsense,” he raged.

“I-,” I tried to defend myself but I was cut off sharply by his swift words.

“What even amazes me is how you gathered the guts to stand in front of me to fight for my affection.”

His affection? His affection?! Oh no. He was definitely not given my Cv! I didn’t need his affection! I was here to help Logan, I was here to get money for my brother’s treatment. Nothing he did or didn’t do mattered to me!

My eyes were fixed on me as he poured out the anger inside of him.

My blood was boiling inside of me as I stood in front of him. This man knew nothing about me or my family but, yet he still judges me.

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