
Chapter Three

Macro’s POV

I stormed out of my room and made my way to my father's chamber, my anger boiling up inside of me. I knew that I was in for a heated conversation.

As I entered the room, I could see that my father was already angry. "Why can't you settle down, Marco?" Alpha Damian growled. "You're going to be taking the throne soon, and you can't keep flirting around with all the maidens of the land. I want to see my grandson before I die."

I bristled at my father's words. I had no intention of settling down and producing an heir just because my father wanted me to. "I'll settle down when I find the right woman," I replied through gritted teeth. "I won't be forced into anything."

"You're being selfish, Marco," my father spat. "You have a duty to your people and your pack. You need to start thinking about the future."

"I am thinking about the future," I countered. "But I won't be pressured into a loveless marriage just for the sake of producing an heir. I want to find someone I truly love, someone who I can spend the rest of my life with."

Alpha Damian's eyes narrowed. "You're not thinking clearly, Marco. You're letting your heart cloud your judgement. I won't stand for it."

Before I could reply, my father's guards stepped forward and grabbed me by the arms. "Lock him up," Alpha Damia ordered. "I won't have a disobedient son who refuses to follow his duty."

I struggled against the guards, but I knew it was no use. My father was too powerful, and I was outnumbered. I was thrown into a cell and left alone with my thoughts.

Marco sat in his cell, his anger and frustration mounting with each passing moment. He couldn't believe that his father had ordered him locked up just because he refused to do what he was told.

"Must he force me to do everything?" Marco muttered to himself. "Can't I live my own life, free from his constant interference?"

But as he thought about it, he knew that it was impossible. His father was the Lycan King, and he held all the power. Marco couldn't escape his father's reach, no matter how hard he tried.

He banged his fist against the stone wall of the cell, feeling helpless and trapped. He didn't know how long he would be imprisoned, or if anyone would come to his rescue.

For a moment, he thought of Scarlett. He wondered if she knew where he was, or if she even cared. But he quickly dismissed the thought. He couldn't rely on anyone else to save him. He had to find a way out on his own.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He knew that getting angry wouldn't help him escape. He needed to think clearly and come up with a plan.

But as he sat in the dark, damp cell, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over him. Would he ever be free from his father's grasp, or was he doomed to a life of obedience and duty?

Scarlett’s POV

It's been weeks since I had that unforgettable night with the Lycan prince. I thought I had put it all behind me and returned to my normal life. But today, something feels off. I wake up feeling a bit dizzy and uneasy, despite knowing it's just stress from yesterday's events. I force myself out of bed and make my way downstairs, hoping to shake off this feeling.

But as I take a few steps, my stomach churns and I feel a sudden urge to vomit. I rush to the nearest bathroom, barely making it in time before I heave my guts out. The sensation is overwhelming, and I feel weak and disoriented as I try to catch my breath.

I take a moment to compose myself before standing up and washing my face. I try to remember what I ate yesterday, but nothing comes to mind. I wonder if it's something more serious, like a virus or food poisoning. The thought makes me feel even worse, and I lean against the sink for support.

As I start to calm down, I remember the Lycan prince and wonder if he had anything to do with this.

After a few minutes, I came out and unfortunately my uncle was outside waiting for me. When I saw the harsh gaze of my uncle on me, I knew something was not right.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, his voice filled with concern.

"I don't know," I replied, feeling a little better. "I just feel a bit dizzy and nauseous."

"Have you eaten anything strange?" he inquired, narrowing his eyes.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think so. I had a sandwich yesterday for lunch, and that's it."

"Scarlett! I ask again, what's wrong with you?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I replied, trying to brush it off.

"Don't lie to me, Scarlett," he said sternly. "I know when something is wrong with you. Now tell me, what's going on?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. "I'm just feeling a little bit dizzy," I finally admitted.

"That's not good enough," he said, his voice getting louder. "I demand an explanation. Have you been seeing that Lycan again?"

I was taken aback by his sudden accusation. "No, Uncle, I haven't," I replied honestly.

"Then what's going on?" he asked, still looking at me with suspicion.

"I don't know," I said, feeling frustrated. "I just feel sick, that's all."

"Well, we need to find out what's wrong with you," he said firmly. "We're going to the hospital today, and you're going to get checked out. I won't have you getting sick and not telling me about it."

I knew arguing with him would be useless, so I reluctantly agreed to go to the hospital. As I went to my room to change, I couldn't help but feel scared and worried. What if I was pregnant? What would I do?

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