One Night Stand with the Lycan

One Night Stand with the Lycan

By:  Bertha Roy  Completed
Language: English
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What happens when a scentless and wolfless omega gets pregnant after a one-night stand with the alpha prince in a Lycan kingdom? In "Moon Haven," Scarlett Lewis discovers her hidden strengths and struggles to assert her independence while navigating the politics of the kingdom. But when tragedy strikes and rebellion threatens the couple, will they be able to overcome the challenges and build a kingdom of peace and inclusivity? Follow Scarlett and Marco's journey in "Moon Haven" as they navigate love, loss, and the responsibilities of parenthood in a world of power and politics.

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Author Qietah
This is one of the best story I have ever read. Keep updating author.
2023-06-10 16:46:30
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Author Qietah
Let's read this...
2023-06-07 14:05:03
default avatar
no sure this seems like 2 different stories author flips between names and one chapter says on thing then next is complete different thought /feeling and the two conflict. I am very confused also clearly not a one night stand as title states.
2024-01-18 20:38:19
156 Chapters
Chapter One
Scarlett’s POV As I gradually opened my eyes, I was immediately greeted with a piercing pain in my head that radiated through my skull. It was as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to my brain. I tried to focus and recollect the events of the previous night, but my mind was a foggy mess, unable to grasp anything substantial. I felt a strange sensation throughout my body, as if I had just finished an exhausting marathon. My muscles were sore and aching, and every movement seemed to require an immense amount of effort. It was almost as if I had been hit by a truck. As I lay there, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night, bits and pieces of the events started to filter in. Slowly but surely, the blur began to take shape, and my mind was able to make sense of what had happened. The Night earlier……. As Marco's hands ran down my body, I couldn't help but shiver with excitement. I closed my eyes as his lips landed on my neck, eliciting soft moans from my l
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Chapter Two
Marco’s POV I woke up to a scene that was unfamiliar to me. The room that I was in was strange, and my head was throbbing with pain. As I began to take in my surroundings, I noticed a girl, Scarlett, who was staring at me with a gaze that was intense and focused. She was studying my wrist and shoulder, and her eyes kept darting back and forth between the two. Initially, I thought that she might be admiring the tattoos that were on my wrist and shoulder, but as my memory began to return, I realized who I was, and the significance of the girl's actions. It became clear to me that she too must have recognized who I was. "You're scared," I said, finally breaking the silence. "That you've slept with a Lycan prince." Scarlett didn't say anything for a moment, still looking at me with a mix of fear and fascination. "I just... I didn't know," she stammered finally. "I didn't know who you were." I sat up, ignoring the pain in my head. "It doesn't matter. We had a good time, right?" Scarl
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Chapter Three
Macro’s POV I stormed out of my room and made my way to my father's chamber, my anger boiling up inside of me. I knew that I was in for a heated conversation. As I entered the room, I could see that my father was already angry. "Why can't you settle down, Marco?" Alpha Damian growled. "You're going to be taking the throne soon, and you can't keep flirting around with all the maidens of the land. I want to see my grandson before I die." I bristled at my father's words. I had no intention of settling down and producing an heir just because my father wanted me to. "I'll settle down when I find the right woman," I replied through gritted teeth. "I won't be forced into anything." "You're being selfish, Marco," my father spat. "You have a duty to your people and your pack. You need to start thinking about the future." "I am thinking about the future," I countered. "But I won't be pressured into a loveless marriage just for the sake of producing an heir. I want to find someone I truly lo
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Chapter Four
Scarlett’s POV My anxiety only intensified as my uncle drove me to the hospital. The thought of what could be wrong with me made me feel queasy, and the car ride felt like it would never end. When we finally arrived at the hospital, I clutched my stomach and felt like I might faint. My uncle put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze as we entered the building. The process was quick and efficient, but it felt like it took hours. I was shuffled from room to room, taking tests and answering questions. All the while, I was silently praying that it was just a normal illness and that everything would be okay. When we finally met with the doctor, I was so anxious that I could barely speak. The doctor handed a piece of paper to my uncle, and my heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. Why didn't the doctor tell me directly? Was it bad news? My uncle didn't say anything as we left the hospital, and I felt like I was going to explode with worry. The drive back
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Chapter Five
Scarlett’s POV I found myself immersed in solitude within the embrace of the garden's enchanting presence. The air, caressed by a tender breeze, danced harmoniously among the foliage, orchestrating a melody that resonated with the tempestuous whirlwind of thoughts whirling within me. Enveloped in my introspection, abruptly, a familiar voice materialized, shattering the tranquil stillness that had settled around me. As I settled into the solitary haven of the garden, its allure encompassed my senses, captivating me in a profound embrace. The symphony of nature played out before me, as the delicate zephyr whispered its secrets through the rustling leaves. It was a gentle lullaby, intertwining with the tumultuous tempest swirling within the depths of my mind. Immersed in contemplation, I was caught off guard by an unexpected intrusion—a voice, once known, breaking the silence with a resounding crack. The garden, a sanctuary for reflection, had become my refuge from the chaotic outside
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Chapter Six
Marco’s POV "Excuse me, Mr. Marcos," the guard said, his voice respectful but hurried. "I have a message for you. Your father is calling you. He requested your immediate presence." My heart sank at the mention of my father. Our relationship had always been strained, and his sudden request filled me with a sense of unease. I exchanged a worried glance with Scarlett before turning back to the guard. "Thank you for letting me know," I replied, trying to maintain composure. "I'll go see him right away." Scarlett looked at me with concern, her eyes searching mine for answers. "Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry. "I don't know," I admitted, a touch of anxiety seeping into my voice. "But I need to find out." With a heavy heart, I excused myself from Scarlett's side, promising that I would return as soon as I could. She nodded, her expression a mix of understanding and concern. As I walked away, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me in my father's presenc
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Chapter Seven
Marco’s POV My father's frustration reached its boiling point, his face contorted with anger and disappointment. In a fit of rage, he raised his hand and delivered a stinging slap across my face. The room fell silent, the echo of the impact lingering in the air. Shock and pain washed over me as I clutched my cheek, my eyes welling up with tears. The emotional turmoil I had been wrestling with suddenly transformed into a seething anger. The weight of his expectations, the years of feeling controlled, had finally reached its breaking point. "You dare strike me?" I hissed through gritted teeth, my voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. "I won't be treated like a puppet any longer. I deserve respect, Father, as your son and as a human being." My father's expression wavered between remorse and defiance, but I was no longer willing to bear witness to his volatile emotions. Without another word, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room, my heart pounding in my chest. As
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Chapter Eight
Marco’s POV As Scarlett's words echoed in my mind, guilt and remorse washed over me like a relentless tide. I watched as she walked away, her figure slowly fading into the distance, and the weight of my deception settled upon my shoulders. I felt a mixture of sadness, regret, and an overwhelming desire to make things right. I had lied to Scarlett, kept her in the dark about the true nature of our marriage. I had failed to reveal the underlying motive behind our union – my father's political ambitions. The realization of my actions pierced through me like a thousand needles, each one reminding me of the pain I had caused her. As I stood there, lost in my thoughts, the grand estate surrounding me felt cold and empty. The opulence that once held allure now seemed hollow and meaningless. The love I had for Scarlett had been tainted by my own selfishness, and I was left grappling with the consequences of my choices. Regret consumed me, and I couldn't help but replay the moments that led
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Chapter Nine
Scarlett’s POV I pulled away from Marco, my body still humming with desire, as the knock on the door interrupted our intimate moment. My heart raced, and a mix of annoyance and curiosity flickered in my eyes as I called out, "Who's there?" The muffled voice on the other side responded, "Your Highness, it's a messenger with urgent news. The King requests your presence immediately." A surge of frustration coursed through me. How could this be happening now? Just when Marco and I had found solace in each other's embrace, the outside world intruded upon our private sanctuary. But duty called, and I couldn't ignore the King's summons. Reluctantly, I disentangled myself from Marco's embrace, a sense of longing lingering in the air between us. With a quick, apologetic glance, I hastily adjusted my appearance, ensuring that no trace of our passionate encounter remained visible. "Please inform the King that I will be there shortly," I called out to the messenger, my voice laced with a hint
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Chapter Ten
Marco's POV Macro emerged from the grand palace gates, feeling the gentle touch of a cool breeze on his face. It provided a fleeting moment of relief amidst the turmoil that consumed him. His mind was heavy with thoughts about the perplexing exchange between Scarlett and his father, the King. Questions swirled in his head, leaving him bewildered. Why had his father summoned Scarlett instead of him? What could be the motives behind this unexpected decision? Lost in contemplation, Macro noticed a group of guards stationed near the entrance. Their alert and watchful expressions caught his attention. Curiosity sparked within him, and he approached them, hoping to find some insight or solace in their company. One of the guards recognized Macro and greeted him with a respectful nod. "Good evening, Prince Macro. Is there anything we can assist you with?" the guard asked. Macro looked at the guards, recognizing them as loyal members of the royal retinue. Seeking a momentary escape from his
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