
#Chapter 45 Ellie Is In Danger

Ellie's POV

The thing about grand banquets is that they are grand, and full of lights and colour. It never misses that part of flamboyance. The moment I am out of the palace, I hail down a cab and stop a few blocks away from the hotel and walk the rest of the way.

In my mind, I just cannot stop thinking of how Austin will react once he sees me at the banquet.

Will he take me by the arm and announce to all who care to listen that I am his female companion for the night as well? Or will he get angry at me for playing a fast one on him and throw me out like a waif?

If the latter happens, then this will get me thinking: did he have someone in mind he wanted to come with?

I shake this thought from my mind as it has no benefit whatsoever to me.

There is a red carpet at the Chevron Hotel and I decide that whoever is hosting this actually has a lot of doughs that he isn't using. I follow the train and there are blinding flashes of camera lights from the gist chasers and paparazzi.

Yesus, shou
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