
#Chapter 108 – Judy kidnapped Jill


Gavin’s POV

Gavin was about to return to the hospital to see Erin; the doctor had just called and told him that Erin was awake and requesting him. 

However, Henry called, delaying Gavin’s plans. 

“Do you know where Judy is? She’s not answering the phone I gave her,” Henry said as soon as Gavin answered the phone. 

“Last I checked she was at the packhouse with Jill. I’m not there currently. I’m about to head back to the hospital,” Gavin explained. 

“I think I made a mistake by letting Judy stay with you,” Henry said; there was something in his tone that Gavin didn’t recognize, and he was a bit worried about it. 

“Why do you say that?” Gavin asked, slowing his movements before he strays too far from his pack. 

“I had a visit with her husband today. Apparently, Judy is insane and she’s the one that beats him,” Henry explained. 

Gavin stifled a laugh; Judy was a small and seemingly kind woman. Whereas Mr. Conrad, her h
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