
Chapter 4

She remembered dropping her children off at their new school this morning. How is it possible for one of them to be here? Worst of it all, sitting before a man presumed to be the CEO of this place? How? 

The little boy turned back and glanced at Octavia but he looked away as though he didn't recognize her. 

The CEO, Lachlan Williams said to Benjamin, "is this my new assistant?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you confirmed that she had thoroughly read all the terms in the contract?"

"She did, sir." Benjamin responded. 

Lachlan returned his focus on the little boy seated comfortably before him and said, "I've heard all you have to say, little one. I'll have my assistant look into it." 

Then he made a signal to Benjamin, "take him back to school."

"What if you forgot?" The little one asked. 

"I won't." He said assuringly. The little one nodded and allowed Benjamin to take him away. 

Then, only Octavia and Lachlan were left in the office. 

"Good morning, sir." She officially greeted. 

Lachlan Williams relaxed on his seat, staring deep into her eyes, "I thought you wouldn't accept the job."

Octavia recognized him but she wasn't sure if he does. But with the way he's staring at her, it seemed he crystal clear remembered her. 

"It's scary, expecially that part where I have to learn the use of gun. I'm not particularly good with guns." Octavia said. 

"You dissapeared after that night. I had my men look all over the city for you but you were no where to be found. Did you leave because of your ex husband? You can't afford to see him again since you broke up with him,huh?"

"I just wanted to start my life afresh. And I'm sorry for that night, I didn't mean to..."

"It was consentual." He chirped. I was just curious about why you vanished without a trace. 

He added, "it's necessary you learn how to use guns if you will last as my personal assistant. You need it as a self defense."

"Who is trying to harm me?"

"I've got numerous enemies and until they are all deal with, I always want everyone around me to be protected." He said. "My last two assistants were murdered in cold blood."

Hearing that, Octavia's eyeballs almost fall off. Her heart jumped and she immediately began to realize the risk involved with this job. The pay is definitely not worth risking her life over. If she dies, what then happens to her kids? 

"I think I have to reconsider the job, sir. I have too many things at stake in my life." She said. 

"Did you finish reading the contract before putting your signature?" 

Honestly, the contract was too bulky, she had only scanned through. She didn't do thorough reading since that will take so much time plus it's too boring. Who has the time to read twenty pages of clauses and sections. 

"You can't quit in the first one year. The contract is renewable after every year, you can choose to quit at the end of this calendar year." He said. 

Octavia's mood fell, "I'm scared for my life."

He took his eyes from her and set it on his computer, as if he was reading through something there, "the little one that left just now..." 

"He claims I'm his father. Benjamin had said that boy looks like me. The boy wants me to do a DNA test to be sure." He said. "However, I think it's his mother trying to use him to get to me."

Octavia swallowed. He had no idea she's the boy's mother. "He's just a child, you can simply ignore him, sir."

"Of course. But I have to teach his mother some lessons so she can know not to mess with me."

"What if the mother didn't send him? Children can be very dramatic these days. It's not advisable to conclude that fast."

He shrugged, "you may be right." 

He continued, "Your ex husband is having his wedding tomorrow, I believe you are aware?" 

Octavia squinted her face, she shook her head in response, "I've cut all connections with him, sir. I have no idea." 

"I was invited. However, I'll be unavailable tomorrow. I want you to go and represent me. That's your first task as my assistant, make sure you act well as my proxy."

Octavia clenched her fist secretly, 'it's already worse knowing that bastard wants to get married. But knowing that she had to attend is killing her on the inside.'

"Your office is just right beside mine. If you are confused about anything, Benjamin will put you through. You may leave now." He said and then brought out a suitcase, then he placed it on his table. 

He was unzipping the suitcase when Octavia, who was already walking out suddenly paused and turned back to him, "sir, permit me to ask, why do you have many enemies and why are they trying to hurt you and the people around you?"

"My father leads the most dangerous cartel in Italy. He's the most feared kingpin and I'm his only heir. That puts me in a very dangerous limelight." 

"Ha... I see... Thanks for the response. I'll be careful." Then she walked out. 

Octavia spent the rest of the day trying to get used to her new workspace. Once she was done with work, she immediately drove down to her children's school. After picking them up, she asked, while driving home, "Thor, what in the world are you doing in Mr. Lachlan's office?" 

The six children had been discussing loudly and merrily about their first day in this new school but as soon as Octavia spoke, they all went mute. 

Seeing that Thor wasn't responding, Octavia set the front mirror to focus on him, "Thor, I believe you can hear me?"

"Yes mom."

"Then answer my question. How did you even meet such a man?" Asked Octavia. She was literally dying of curiosity. 

"I arranged our meeting before we even moved over here." Thor responded. 


"Mom, I've checked through the data bases of many men here in New York but I've not even seen anyone that had the same resemblance as us. But Mr. Lachlan does. I only requested of him to perform a DNA test." Thor explained. 

"This is very wrong of you, Thor. That I said your father is at New York doesn't mean you should go and start meeting up with every man that looks like you."

"Then make it easy for

us. Take us to Daddy," Thor said angrily. All these while, the remaining five kids were quiet. 

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