
Chapter 069


It's been three hours since I woke and Keith wasn't back from wherever it was that he went. Did he get mad when the doctor revealed the truth to him?

I get that he was supposed to hear it from me but did he really have to leave me here?

I adjusted in bed and was immediately punished with the pain from my bandaged arm when I dared to forget about it.

I heard the door open and turned instantly but it wasn't Keith. Just a nurse with a tray of food.

She gave me a soft smile as she set the tray on the small table beside my bed. "How are you feeling, Mrs. Clementine?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine concern.

I managed a weak smile. "I've been better," I replied, echoing my earlier sentiment. The pain in my arm was a reminder of how close I'd come to losing everything.

The nurse nodded sympathetically. "Try to eat something. It'll help with your recovery." She lifted the lid, revealing a bowl of soup, some bread, and a cup of juice.

I stared at the food, my appetite nowhere
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