
65- Might be a woman

After her shower, she came out and put on another of Hunter’s t-shirt.

She did not know whatever happened outside was right or wrong. But she liked it. And she wanted to do it again. Or maybe she should just stop!

She was confused. She wished Molly was here.

Damn, I miss her!

She did not want another relation after Kyle. It was too much to handle. A man stayed good to her until he was her friend. The moment he would become more than a friend and whole thing would stop making sense.

They wanted her as their friend but they could not manage her as a girlfriend. She had learned it hard way. And she did not want another heartbreak.

No! No way! I can’t let that happen to myself. Not again. Hunter said himself that he was least interested in relationships. At least he had the decency to tell me, which Kyle lacked.

And kissing him or letting him near my body might make things complicated for us. We are frie

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goodnovel comment avatar
Anita Pigman
Surely they have a state of the art security system in place !!!!!!!
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Malinda Tittle
ii hope they do not hurt her again and get her evil sister
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Ellaizha Almonical Sumabong Nacario
I dont like this part

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