
Chapter 17


    When we got back to the compound, I brought Ophelia inside to her father's office. He told her to take a seat and dismissed me. I went back to the truck and pulled it around to the garage then walked back to the bunkhouse. I walked in and went to my room. I needed a shower. I got undressed and stepped in the shower and washed up. As I stood there letting the water run over my head, I couldn't help but think about seeing Ophelia with another guy. That shit killed me.  I wanted her to be mine. Only mine. I didn't want to see her with another man. 

I got out of the shower and realized that Ophelia still had my jacket. I put on a pair of grey track pants, a white t-shirt, and my white sneakers. I walked out of the bunkhouse and up to the main house. I walked in and saw Phil, "What do you need Damian?" he asked. 

"Ophelia still has my jacket. I think I left my wallet in it," I responded with a lie. 

"Okay. Go ahead." he said, then walked to the kitchen. 

I went up to her room and knocked on the door. She opened the door wearing a silky red robe. I walked in and told her I was there for my jacket, but I think she saw through that. I didn't hesitate to kiss her, and she returned my kiss. Ever since we kissed in the truck the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about her soft lips. Her hands tugging at my hair, bringing me closer made my cock twitch every time I thought of the moment. Being wrapped in her arms was like losing all will power, failing to control myself. I wanted more. I needed more, she was a drug to me, and I wasn’t trying to stop. I wanted to be buried inside her, completely losing control, and falling into the abyss, never to return.

From the moment our lips connected it felt perfect. It was right. I gave into my thirst for her, picked her up and sat down on the couch with her on top of me. I was pleased to see that she was completely naked under her robe. My hands explored all over her body then I worked my way down to her clit and felt she was already wet. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her.  Her body responded to my touches and soft moans escaped her lips. I wanted to see her squirming under my hold while I teased her sweet spot. I wanted my name rolling off her lips when I sent her to new heights of pleasure.

I flipped her over, laying her down on the couch. I told her she was mine and only mine. She grinned but before she could respond Oliver walked into the room. FUCKING SHIT. I jumped up and stood there not knowing what to say. Ophelia started hollering at him then Noah walked into the room. 

"OUTSIDE NOW!" Oliver screamed. 

Fuck. This is the last thing I wanted to deal with right now. I grabbed my shirt and put it on, and Ophelia stopped me. I kissed her on the forehead and told her it would be okay. I walked out the room with Oliver and Noah following behind me. I was going to walk out the front door, but Oliver had a different idea, "No. To the garage."

Motherfucker. This dude wants to fight. Seriously? We walked into the garage and saw some of the other guys training in the boxing ring while Jax stood at the ringside. 

"OUT OF THE RING. NOW." Oliver yelled.

The guys stopped and got out of the ring and gathered around the side to see what was going on. Jax walked over to us, "What the hell is going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough," Oliver said, as he took off his shirt and jumped in the ring. 

I stood there next to Noah, "Is he serious right now?" I asked. 

"Yeah. I think so. Good luck." Noah laughed, slapping me on the back.

"Oliver. I'm not going to fight you,” I said, while still standing outside the ring. 

"The only way to her is through me. Get your ass in here." 

Jax looked at me and shook his head, "Seriously? Mitch's daughter? Boy you have a fucking death wish don't you." 

"I guess I do,” I said, then pulled off my shirt and got into the ring with Oliver. 

Oliver was not one I wanted to go up against. His type of fighting and my type of fighting were completely different. The other guys gathered around the ring and started rooting us on, some rooting for Oliver and some rooting for me.     

"Look man let me explain. I…” Before I could complete my sentence, Oliver charged at me and tackled me to the ground. 

We wrestled on the ground for a minute before I was able to make it to my feet and stand up. I swung and landed a right hook making him take a knee. He rubbed the side of his jaw and looked at me with a grin on his face.  "Oliver, let's talk about this. Give me a chance to explain.”

I held my hand out to help him up, but he jumped up and kicked my legs out from under me making my back hit the mat. The wind was knocked out of me for a moment before I jumped back to my feet again. Oliver came at me again, I tried to dodge but he landed a left hook. I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to stop seeing stars. "Dude. Come on man." I said, rubbing my jaw.

He got into his stance and glared at me. As I was about to make my next move, he charged at me and hit me with a spinning back kick. I went down hard. 

"Oliver that's enough." I heard Ophelia yell. 

She ran over to the ring and stood next to Noah, "Would you make him stop!" She hollered at Noah. 

I got to my feet and Oliver walked over to me, we were standing toe to toe. "Why her?”

"I'm in love with her." 

"You what?" he asked.

I turned, looked at Ophelia then got down out of the ring, grabbed her by the hand and walked her away from everyone. 

"This is not how I wanted to tell you that. And I'll understand if you don't feel the same. But being around you the last two years and being your bodyguard for the past few months, just...I've never felt like this about anyone." 

She put her head down to hide her blush, something I find absolutely adorable, but she always tries to hide it. I put my fingers under her chin and made her look at me. She smiled and took a deep breath, "Truth is. I think I might be in love with you too." 

I couldn’t figure out if I were in shock or if deep down, I had already known this, "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," she smiled.

I put my hand behind her head, pulled her in and kissed her. I heard the guys making cheering sounds behind us and she smiled against my lips. I turned around as Oliver jumped down out of the ring then he, Jax and Noah walked over to us. 

"You do know that you have to okay this with Mitch, right?" Jax asked.

"Yeah, I know.”

Oliver looked at me and at Ophelia then back at me, "You fucking hurt her, and I'll kill you."  

"I know. I promise you I won’t." 

"You better not, because if you do, then after he kills you, I'm going to bring you back to life and kill you again," Noah laughed.

Noah gave me a hug and Oliver stood there with his arms folded across his chest. I knew that if I had their approval, I might have Mitch's approval also. It was bad enough having to talk to a girl’s father, but this girl’s father is my boss and knows how to make people disappear. If he doesn’t approve, I’m a dead man.

"I'm going to talk to Mitch."

"I'm not missing this. So, we'll come with you," Noah said. 

I kissed Ophelia one more time, "If your dad doesn't kill me, then I'll see you in a little while."

She laughed, "Okay." 

Me and Oliver grabbed our shirts and walked back to the main house with Noah. We went in the back door, walked through the kitchen, through the foyer and to Mitch's office. By the time we got to the door, my heart was in my throat. I froze for a moment at the door and turned to look at Noah and Oliver. I was terrified to walk into that office. I took a deep breath then knocked on the door, "Come in."  

I slowly opened the door and walked in. Mitch was sitting behind his desk looking over some paperwork. 

"What the fuck happened to you two?" he asked, when he saw me and Oliver. 

"I whipped his ass," Oliver laughed.

Mitch looked at us confused, "And why did you do that?"

"I'll let Damian explain that." Oliver motioned for me to walk forward. 

A breath caught in my throat, I tried to clear it but that didn't work. I felt like I forgot how to speak. I was about to ask a mafia boss for permission to date his daughter and I was terrified. I really did have a fucking death wish. 

"Well?" Mitch asked, as he folded his hands on his desk.

"Sir... Um... I'd like to date your daughter." I blurted out.

Mitch smiled and chuckled, "Really now?" 

"Yes sir."

"So that’s why Oliver kicked your ass?" Mitch laughed. 

I did not want to tell Mitch that Oliver caught me and Ophelia in her room, so I had to edit out the details. 

"Yes sir.” 

He raised a brow and looked at Oliver, "You didn't take it easy on him?"

"Hell no. I told him if he wanted to date my sister then he had to face me first."

“And how did he do?" 

"He put up a good fight. I made sure he knew that if he hurt her, I would kill him next time." Oliver said, folding his arms over his chest. 

"Me too," Noah butted in. 

Mitch nodded his head, "So, you both approve?"

They both looked at me then looked at Mitch, "We approve.”

I nodded a thank you to Noah and Oliver and looked back at Mitch. He leaned back in his desk and glared at me, then looked at Noah and Oliver, "You two can go now. Damian, take a seat." Noah and Oliver walked out of the office and I took a seat in the chair across from Mitch's desk. 

"So, why do you want to date my daughter?" 

"Sir, when I first came here, I literally only knew Noah and Oliver. I had no idea what I was walking into. From the moment I met Ophelia, there was something about her. She’s different, in so many ways. I’ve gotten to know her a lot since being here, and she absolutely amazes me. She has a heart of gold and tries to make everyone feel welcome. I know I have nothing to offer her, but sir, I will gladly spend the rest of my life trying to be the man she deserves.”

 Mitch sat there for a moment thinking, got up from his desk and walked over to the bar in his office. He grabbed two glasses and poured whiskey in both. He walked over and handed me a glass then took a seat back in his chair behind his desk. He took a sip of the whiskey and looked at me. "That's my baby girl.” 

I took a sip of whiskey and nodded slowly, "Yes sir."

"The first time she cries because of you, you'll end up in the box.” 

I cleared my throat and looked at him, knowing that he wasn't lying, "Yes sir."

"I'll allow it. But I’ll be watching you. So, you better treat her the way she deserves to be treated." 

I sighed, "Thank you sir. I promise you; I will never do anything to hurt her."

"You better not.” He said, standing up from the chair.

I stood up and held out my hand to shake his, "I won't sir." 

"You can breathe now." he laughed, shaking my hand.

I took a deep breath and laughed, “Was it that obvious?" 

"Yeah. You looked like you had about a dozen strokes when you walked in the door." 

"Oh jeez," I laughed. 

"Alright, well I've got some work to do. You can see yourself out.”

"Yes sir. Thank you, sir."

As I walked out the door, I saw that Noah and Oliver were still standing there. "He lives!" Noah shouted.

"Really? Y'all were eavesdropping?" 

"Just waiting to see if we had to hide a body or not." Oliver laughed.

"Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

"You're welcome." Oliver chuckled.

I wanted to go up and see Ophelia but had a better idea instead. One that would require some help though.

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