
Chapter 106: Why, Tristan?

Viviana's bedroom was a sanctuary of luxurious fabrics and adorned with extravagant things, that cast a soft glow upon her surroundings. It was within this lavish haven that Viviana stood, her phone resting on a marble tabletop, its screen displaying Kristoffer's name.

She pressed the speaker button, allowing her to still hear his voice, as she gazed upon her reflection in a grandiose mirror. The mirror, framed with ornate golden carvings is reflecting perfect body shape.

Kristoffer's voice echoed from the phone, with a confident tone. The timbre of his voice reverberated through the room.

"Of course, she can't do that to someone like me, Viviana," he proclaimed, there's an arrogance seeping into his words.

She raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing upon her lips as she turned away from the mirror, fixating her gaze on an exquisite vase of orchids.

"Psh! You are too confident, Kris," she taunted, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Are you sure she's not just using you to cover
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