
I Love Him


“Hey, you forgot your gloves again,” he said from behind me.

I turned to see him leaning against a tree, fully clothed in his PPE, with a set of gloves in his hands.

“Oh shoot! I forgot,” I exclaimed, rushing towards him to take the gloves.

“Thanks,” I had said and stretched out my hand to collect it, but he raised it above my head and out of my reach. I stared puzzled at him and saw a glint of mischief in his eyes.

I cocked my mouth to the side, squinting my eyes thoughtfully, before springing to grab it from him. He laughed, taking the gloves higher than before.

“Vincent!” I whined, “Give it!”

“Make me,” he dared.

I squinted my eyes thoughtfully again, but now, I was really thinking of a way to get the gloves. Shortly after, I slowly moved closer to him, intruding into his personal space. He looked at me with a cocky smile and a raised eyebrow.

“Are you going to kiss me or something? Remember, we have face shields on,” he said with a chuckle.

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