
Chapter 34

"Adrian, have any clues on who did this?"

Cassy asked Adrian who's being occupied by his thoughts, thinking of possibilities on where did his Grandfather brought Ali,

It's only been just a few hours since he learns the truth of his Grandfather's hatred towards Alicia's family, and yet when he got home Ali had been kidnapped


He was cut off from his thoughts when all of the sudden Isabella yelled, to grab his attention, he took a deep breath and face his friends, who's overly worried f94 Alicia, praying that she is fine

"Alicia has been kidnapped by my grandfather, because I rebelled" he told them, telling them on how he tries to cut off his ties in the family,

'no wonder they tried to held me back when I tried to get home, because they wanted to kidnapped her'

He thought and he was angry just by the thought of it, clenching his fist,

"What? Why would your Grandfather do this?"Naeun asked who is obviously didn't know of the hatred,Everyone was confused,

Naeun, who is now pa
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