
Chapter 35

June, 1970

Edenbell Elite School

"We have 2 new students today, let me introduce Mia Xu and Diana Xu, they're twins by the way"

16-year Herold heard the teacher, his face can only scrunch as he heard the familiar surname,

' of them must've my future wife' he thought remembering how he over heard the talk of his father and some random man in the drawing room in a few days back

Arrange marraige and marraige at a young age is quite common at this time, and Herold hated the fact as he kept on thinking about it

He didn't bother to make contact with the Xu's as he walked towards the rooftop, only to be stopped by Lily Olivera, his childhood friend

"Shouldn't you be escorting your future wife?"she asked him as he ave her a little glare,

The 16 year old Girl, Lily Olivera who's childhood friends With Herold Parker, he doesn't treat her a real friend but as time grew old the more how Lily cling unto him

"I don't know what your talking about, but I don't care...whether my future wife
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