
Chapter 38 – It’s Not in the Media Sector

“Not nearly enough” Henry says, standing up to leave. “I was under the impression you had a good relationship with Paul; at least that is how they portrayed it. That was my error and I will take my punishment for the part I played.”

“Wait” Simone states; glancing over at Emmett and Lester. Everyone turns their head to look at her; “You made a mistake; something everyone has done in this room. You are also willing to take responsibility for your actions. That reason alone; I would like you to stay on the board.”

“It’s not up to you” Emmett remarks, glaring at his wife.

“No; it’s not. I wanted to point it out” Simone replies, giving him a smile.

“I see what you mean. She isn’t afraid to tell you what she is thinking” Travis Reynolds says with a chuckle.

‘I’ll have this argument with her later’ Emmett tells himself. “No, she isn’t” he responds to Travis’ comment. “This is not the issue. The issue is what are we going to do with you?”

“Have you learnt from your error in judgement?” Simone
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