
The Culprit


Laina and Charlie exchanged a look. Then Charlie turned back toward me. “And? Who is it?”

I sighed. “You remember how he said he ran into some trouble with some guys in LA?” They nodded. “Well, that’s who he thinks it is. He’s pretty sure. And it makes sense. I mean, who else out here would go after him like that? Nobody.”

Charlie rubbed her jaw. “That’s insane. They followed him all the way here from LA?”

“Yep,” I said, finishing off my Bellini.

“So they really hate his guts.” Laina grimaced.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said. “I mean, he did win the car the guy had his heart set on and a lot of cash that I think Torq was confident would be his.”

“Torq?” Charlie asked.

I told them everything Rick had told me about Torq. They listened enraptured until I was done, at which point the server returned with our spinach dip. Charlie and I ordered another drink, and all of us dug into the cheesy concoction before us. It was heaven on a plate.

After we inhaled the spinach dip, we ordered a co
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