

Alexandra POV

I paced around angrily.

I can’t believe my plan to implicate Hernando didn’t work.

Well , there’s nothing that can be done.

moreover , Theodore believes the Romano are responsible for the first attack on the house.

It’s time to carry out my next move.

“Rocco!” I called out.

He ran over immediately.

“Is Theodore home?” I asked .

“No ma’am , he left with Pancho this morning.” He replied.

“Good. Gather the men , we are going to attack the Romano mansion.”

“But Ma’am , Theodore isn’t aware of this.” He argued.

“If I give you an order , you do it ... don’t question me.” I barked.

“Yes ma’am.” He hurried away.

The men were ready with their guns.

They all assembled before me at the Veranda.

I stood up , “we are going to catch them off guard ... fire at the house from a distance to make it seem like an attack , am I clear?” I instructed.

I turned around to see Mother Esma and Aria , they both looked confused at the scene.

I smiled smugly at Aria ,

“You didn’t really think i woul
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