
Sparks of Pleasure.

Aria POV

It’s been three days since Alexandra left the mansion, and I have to be honest, I love it, Everywhere is so peaceful.

I know Theodore is still hurting, she’s his grandmother after all.

I looked at myself once more in the mirror before grabbing my purse.

Uncle Hernando requested to meet at the Cafe, and I’m so excited, i haven’t seen him since I was kidnapped, we only talked on the phone.

Even my little Paola and Becca, I miss them so much.


I arrived at the Cafe and walked in, Uncle Hernando called out immediately he saw me.

“Aria.” He waved, I walked towards him with a smile.

He stretched his arms and pulled me into a hug.

“Oh my dear.” He gushed happily.

“I could swear I was almost forgetting what you looked like.” He joked, I chuckled.

We sat down and he took my hands.

“How have you been?.” He asked.

“I have been fine Uncle, I just miss you all so much.” I pouted sadly.

He stretched his lips into a small smile,

“We miss you too, I hope a day would come where all the enmit
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