
The sister.

Mother Esma POV

I placed the rest of the pie I gave to Theodore into the fridge.

I’m sure Aria would miss him so much.

Then I heard screams and laughter outside.

Huh, what’s going on?.

One of the ranch workers walked to get a glass of water.

“What’s happening out there?, is Theodore gone?.” I asked.

“Yes ma’am, the boss just left. Miss Aria’s best friend is here.” He informed.

A smile grew across my face, I’m sure she would be so happy.

I quickly brought out the pie I placed in the fridge and cut some slices out for them, then made two cups of coffee and carried it outside.

“Aria, I heard you have a guest, I made coffee.” I said walking out of the kitchen, but my hands froze immediately I looked up and met her best-friend.

The tea cups fell to the ground and crashed.

“Mother Esma, what’s wrong?.” Aria asked worriedly, they were all around me now.

“Mom, are you okay?.” Pancho held my shoulder.

I blinked my eyes to be sure of who I was seeing?, could she be—?.

“Mom!.” Pancho called ou
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